Oh my god, “Sesame Grover” is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
Oh my god, “Sesame Grover” is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.
I’ve thought about this too!
Good luck on your new position! Your writing always impressed and challenged me, and I’ll really miss reading it here. It forced me to think critically and I think that’s what really great writing does.
Oh man! She actually doesn’t bother me, I think she portrays a nervous, naive girl pretty well. But the actress who plays Dany reeeeeeally bothers me. Like, she always has that same “I am queen” look on her face, and her eyes barely move. She shows almost no other emotion than queenliness, if that even counts as an…
This is a very good list.
They called the thief “her attacker”. So yeah, if someone attacked me to steal my phone I would call the police because of the violence, and not so much the theft.
Yeah seriously, I was thinking about this too. She wouldn’t cover her hair in an Islamic country but does it here to meet the pope. I don’t know what it means.
This article is longer and more well-researched than I anticipated.
There was a documentary on Netflix that featured this, something like “The Mystery of Eels” I think? It was actually a pretty interesting watch.
Pelvic floor PTs are great if you have issues and need one, but if you are symptom free and just want to maintain pelvic floor strength and flexibility, then Pilates and yoga are great.
Yeah you’re absolutely right. It’s this “politically correct” thing, and general white defensiveness.
Yup, I’ve gotten “you’re more eloquent than you look”. Like, wtf.
Omg his instagram is the wooooooorst.gif
this needs more stars
Lol, A+ creativity
Oh my god she’s awesome.
Guys let’s spam this competition with anti-fossil fuel art. Here’s the link:http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0193a55e13e2c2693a7f9460f&id=b9c4d88e58
WHOA I did not know that.