Lizzo, Ariana, and Rosalia were robbed!
Lizzo, Ariana, and Rosalia were robbed!
Um Trump Tweet Mad Libs would probably make a decent little side business. (OMG Mad Libs=Mad Liberals).
This one actually was barftastic. Yuck.
Was struck by that omission as well.
Awww, an age-appropriate Hollywood marriage.
fucking hilarious
Whoa that’s really interesting! Do you believe in past lives, or anything like that? I have one friend that I felt that way about, but everyone else in my life was just a slow build, same as my husband. I feel like there should be a Radiolab or some kind of podcast about this phenomenon.
Interesting! I’m also super pale, but I’m of Irish descent so I’m freckly and have red hair. I mostly just get rude/concerned comments when I dare to show my pale skin in summer. It’s annoying AF actually. (This is in the US).
I just started tracking, it’s good to hear that it’s helpful from someone who’s been doing it!
This phenomenon fascinates me! My grandma saw her future husband from across a room and knew immediately she’d marry him. I’m married, but this wasn’t my experience. I have had lots of instances of premonition though, where I absolutely knew something would happen before it did, so I understand the feeling. It’s a…
Great article, great journalism. Thank you.
I <3 Beyonce! Also yay! Congratulations Clover!
Sorry you were treated so badly.
Ew. That’s nasty.
Wow I love her retelling of this. You can feel how time just slowed down for her while it was happening, and she was able to think rationally to save her life. What an amazing, badass lady! And she says she doesn’t blame the crocodile. Humans are amazing sometimes.
Gosh, Kate looks gorgeous and happy.
It feels like a specific brand of quirkiness that would have been cool in the late nineties (speaking as a former quirky adolescent in the late nineties).
Is she wearing a watch around her upper arm??