+1 Diet Coke for you Coach! <3JVG
Yes. Talk nerdy to me.
Is this an Australian thing? Skipper = Captain? This must totally be an Australian thing. Skipper = Coach/Manager, no? (so many questions).
I used to love watching the sweet science and football when I was a kid. Before they started talking about CTE and all things related. It was actually fun to watch those huge hits (both sports) and sincerely have no knowledge of the long term effects. We all just thought the human body was so damn resilient and…
My TRUMP to your Reagan. #YouWin
When YOUR head literally goes up your own ass on the largest live stage ever, well then, Julianne, YOU can talk! (about twitches and fidgets). HE HAD THE BEST FIDGEtS! [BEST DEBATE EVER]
“Neil’s heart bleeds for you... I mean, He has a bleeding heard. I mean, ulcers, bleeding organs, muscles, the best muscles or organs. What’s the difference? I have the best organ muscles.”
Howard saying Trump is on coke is like the pot calling the kettle black. And by black, I mean Negros of color. I mean, Persons of Negros. Which I have totally employed... which is totally like housing discrimination. Which totally happened. But, you know, lawyers like Barack! And we totally just settled on that…