
well someone stitched his wounds. I'm guessing Caroline is an excellent cross-stitcher.

The story isn't finished yet, we still have 4 episodes to go but I do believe the intention of the writing is to hold up a mirrorto these people and show them who they really are. Cade is the vehicle for that, what he really wants is still unclear as yet but he does want something.

Well it's easy for her. She loves him and he did it for her and her children so it's all good. I want Bonnie to rip into her just like she did to Elena ad nauseum. The girl is a judgmental hypocrite and the blood is on her hands just as much as Stefans. After all she cosigned his deal and promised that they were in

Neither Stefan or Damon are compelled to do anything right now, they have free will. They are carrying out a deal that would earn them a one way ticket to hell if they broke it. Damon was mind controlled by the sirens for the majority of this season but he broke that control in 8x09.
Stefan has nullified his deal when

"Caroline fixing everything might have been the worst thing for him."
Absolutely and the thing is, there has pretty much always been someone there to "fix" Stefan in the past starting from his Childhood when Damon was there to fix stuff for him and then Lexie, Elena, Caroline, Katherine etc. Stefan has never learned

Caroline has never understood the gravity of Stefans issues. She has blindly worshipped him since forever because she never really got to see just how depraved Stefan could be.

There are no exciting dynamics to this relationship at all. No push/pull, no passion, energy, desperation or even anger. Only love, saccharine platitudes and repeated denial. Very boring to watch.

I think the point of Cade is to showcase exactly that. These people assume themselves the title of being good whilst acting the complete opposite. Cade see's them ALL as bad and will condemn them as such. I guess the irony is judgement is all subjective and too often these people have declared themselves judge, Jury

Agreed but for seasons Damon has been the only one to openly admit that which is why I have always liked him more. Damon does not pretend to care about collateral damage the others have paid lip service to it but without any real follow through.

I want to know why her head wasn't detached from her body, isn't that the point of ripper Stefan, that he can't stop?

I'm assuming once someone is dead the cure dies with it, otherwise perhaps someone should try digging up Amara.

dickmatized? LMAO.


I have to agree.

You are asking questions that will never be answered. It's the Sire bond or the Elena memory wipe all over again. Sybil has morphed into Elena in Damons brain, but just like with Elena and her memory wipe, true love cannot be repressed because feelings cannot be erased or manufactured in the long term.

Stefan was a ripper for years, this was just one day in the life of Stefan the ripper douche. He got the attention of Klaus because he was rippering his way through many towns and villages - But just not on Christmas because that would be a step too far even for Stefan.

I think this story is to show that evil resides in them all, they just need the right motivation to trigger it. Just what does it take for seemingly good people to turn evil or to do evil things?

Alaric came looking for vampires and one in particular in S1. He immersed himself in the supernatural all on his own. He enjoyed the perks of the supernatural (magic ring) and inevitably met some of the downsides of using such magic just as everyone else has with supernatural abilities. He chose to become part of the

There is a vast difference between this Damon and the Damon we met in S1.

In what way?