
Well if we get Katherine again that means Dobrev is back, which increases the chances of me seeing Elena again too so I hope we both get what we want.

Whilst I understand why people enjoyed the katherine character, I don't understand what she could possibly contribute to the show right now. Both Salvatore brothers have moved on and resolved whatever feelings they had for her and that chapter of their lives was given the right amount of closure and in a way,

This episodes flashbacks were as tedious as the Silas flashbacks complete with the wooden acting. It was boring and unnecessary.
Damon is also boring, completely devoid of everything that makes him interesting.
No Bonnie and Enzo and in their place we get Matt Donovan.
Thanks for nothing show.

I agree, and would go on to say there is not even implied rape, it's only in the minds of those that WANT to see it of course.
I like Klaus as a character, but he is THE reason that the majority of people on TVD are dead or orphans and he did it to be even more more powerful that he already was, he did it for himself

Or Katherine or Kai. It's weird.

Love it! Super sensitive Caroline is stressing about her wedding in the midst of Bonnie literally wanting to kill herself..lovely.

Stefan hardly ever has to put in the effort, it's usually handed to him on a plate because every woman naturally falls all over her pride and dignity to be with him. Such a shame the writers couldn't be bothered to show us WHY? because I sure as hell can;t see it.

Stefan had to actually work for Elena at times. The rest were just inexplicably head over heels for him.

She can stay wherever she is as far as i'm concerned.

Well, this was a show of two halves for me. When it good, it was very, very good and when it was bad it was awful, borderline unwatchable.

Well for me it can't. This show is hanging on by it's fingernails as it is. The only parts of this season that have worked has been the Bonnie, Damon and Alaric stuff earlier in the season and the Bonnie, Damon and Enzo stuff in the last few episodes so I can't imagine how this show will work at all without them, well


ha ha, the way that other poster states them was meant as an insult though and was clearly looking for an argument.
Anyway, I agree with you. The fact that Ian can actually change his delivery of Damon to fit the mood is a testament to his ability and range.

Thanks for the review Carrie, I agree with so much of it.
I blame Stefan for the downfall of the season. Not because I dislike the character, because I do, but objectively speaking I feel this whole season's narrative has been about propping up this character, and to do so it has had to bring down other characters to

I'm still lmao that Stefan did not know how to contact Valerie???
That boy moves on fast considering he dated her for 2 years and she literally just saved his life. Did he he delete her from his contact list already? Poor Val, but we know Stefan is a fickle chappie.

Yep the nuanced writing of the earlier seasons is not as evident as it once was. Shame, it has been one of the factors that have lowered the overall quality of this show.
At least we got to see some of the Salvatore home this episode, I was beginning think Damon lived in his car, and can someone put 50p/cents in the

I agree mostly, but I think most fans do actually understand that Bamon are BFF now, well the ones that watch it without Bamon goggles on anyway. The writing is sometime so obvious and cringey that it treats most viewers like we are idiots at times.
It was the same earlier with the overblown "Damon is selfish,

hmmm! I'm torn because emancipation sounds like a great story for the Elena character. in theory. She has been through so much and her story with both Salvabros, and the supernatural world has taught her so much and has helped her deal with many of her issues but how can she expect to go on and live a normal human

Agree to disagree should have been the end of the comment, just adding an addendum of insults to Ian's acting just tells me you only want your opinions seen and not challenged, and that is not agreeing to disagree, but whatever!

Exactly why children and the supernatural genre don't mesh well.