
Wouldn't Damon fit that mould too though? He has loved Elena pretty deeply and any romantic story with Damon for Bonnie would come off as her being at least second choice or even third if you count Katherine.
Bonnie was Enzos world in the end, his number 1 priority and I think that was something the character deserved,

To be fair, Stefan wasn't the one offering financial recompence that was Caroline. However the whole not wanting to face true consequences (death) for his treatment of Dorians family was beyond manipulative and gross. Guilting a survivor into not delivering your just deserts was just horrible especially since he did

Yeah. I was pretty grossed out about this sentiment especially since he could not forgive Damon when the lives of the entire MF depended on it. Clearly easier said than done Matt you raging hypocrite.

Oh I think Damon dying is inevitable. The writers have shown that Stefan is invincible even as a human and all this atonement, facing the sins of his past etc is dealing with all Stefan's redemption arc right now in 3 episodes. Damon's will come towards the end in the last two episodes because he hasn't died, saved

Well he tried putting himself in a coffin and that didn't go down to well.

Of course it goes without saying but still the point stands, it's a huge risk especially when you look at what has hapenned in the first 5 years since she went to sleep. Damon has already been killed twice at least.

I don't buy it either. 60 years is still 60 years, it still has to be lived, endured and survived. To write it off as nothing does a disservice to Damon and the sacrifice Elena is making by giving up her natural human life with her remaining human family (jer) and her friends so that Bonnie can live. I think it is a

It's Stefan's MO. He and his guilt come first, because it's all about him always and forever. He put his own wish to atone (lol) over releasing the person he loves from a lifetime of defending him and saving him.. Nice and so very heroic. Just like his rants against Damon are all about him and how he feels and what

Of course.

Yeah, Damon was pretty desperate and trusting of Kai but I get it. I would rather that than him do nothing though. I don't blame the guy for trying anything to save his girl because that is what you do realistically speaking.

yeah! what happened to there is no door number 3? It seems there is a door and so on.

Liam survived.

Exactly. Plothole unless Elena Gilbert is registered officially dead. The mental gymnastics required to make this plot work are just exhausting.


That is the TVD worldview and morality and I'm ok with that as long as the characters start to actually own it like Damon has done for years. I wish these people would just admit that they are ALL selfish just like Damon does. Say it with me Ric "It's because I'm selfish".
Didn't Ric try to raise his Wife/Fiance from

I don't think it was a retcon just because the fall out wasn't shown in MF. Katherine wasn't known in MF in present day but Stefan Salvatore was a known student and part of the towns population as far as the humans are concerned. What is a retcon is how Elena did not recover her memories when Alaric became human.

Fair enough.

You mean aside from the fact that Matt and Alaric killed him? He didn't stay dead but I think the sentiment was implied that Damon killing Tyler and being a part of the kidnapping of Alaric's children (even if that part was not on him) was not taken lightly and was punishable by death and carried out.

From who? Bonnie? She has enough on her plate.
Damon? He is secretly pissed about that but as usual is shelving his disappointment to save Steans life.
Caroline? She just blindly wants Stefan back regardless. Can't have a little murder ruining her plans.

It's even more stupid since Alaric did exactly that with the Gilbert Journal in S1.