White people wave their guns like this
White people wave their guns like this
This is weird. They must’ve been waving their guns wrong, because Trump people are normally pro-gun.
Why would they? It’s not like anyone is out here holding them accountable for their actions.
Ah, cops. Even in the face of national outrage over their blatant racism, they'll never change.
We’re headed for a large Biden landslide. He’s just not going to have any basis to contest.
First, the courts have held him accountable on numerous occasions.
Part of the problem is that Republicans have successfully sold themselves as being more “responsible” fiscally to many people. It’s complete BS, because all they do is run up the deficit and cut taxes for the rich - yet many people buy it because they don’t pay close enough attention to politics.
Not cutting her slack because she brags about being uneducated in a 60 minutes interview. She’s a high school dropout. Being raised in a republican household and not valuing education pans out.
Yeah this is weird. Not only is there no effing way that babysitting money was enough for her to move to NYC, but I have an incredibly hard time believing that a wealthy 14 year old (if she really was born in August 1990 per Wikipedia) was allowed to do that by her parents. Maybe they arranged the apartment and…
I am guessing there are a fair bit of former Republican lurker right here. I left over W, my extra-Republican dad left over Rumsfeld, my sister left over Trump. I am not the hugest Lawrence fan, but, if you come from a non-dysfunctional family, it is pretty normal to grow up miming your parents’ political views and…
Similar. I didn’t really start paying attention to politics until Dubya’s first term because, as a white man who was raised in a middle-class white suburban househ0ld, I had the luxury of not having to care about politics.
Its called growth and we love to see it!
Not just that. Fiscal conservatism means being anti-welfare, anti-regulation, pro-bootstraps and a hundred other social ills. I have no respect for people who say they’re socially liberal and fiscally conservative. They’re saying ‘Oh, it’s totally cool that you’re gay! Go you! I don’t care that you can’t afford nutriti…
Jennifer Lawrence was also 18 years old from a conservative family in a hard red conservative state.
I’m a 44 years old liberal, but my political awareness at 18, raised in a catholic conservative region was quite limited and I’d like to think my understanding of the world has considerably improved since then.
Burn her!
“For me, when Donald Trump got elected that just changed everything. Because this is an impeached president who’s broken many laws and has refused to condemn white supremacy, and it feels like there has been a line drawn in the sand,” she said. “I don’t want to support a president who supports white supremacists.”
I love it when white people say or say the equivalent of, “socially I’m liberal but fiscally, I’m republican.” If your money is worth supporting racists, climate change deniers and people who police women’s bodies amongst other things; then you’re views on social issues were very in line with theirs. But hooray,…
True, but she is 30. She would have been 22 when Romney tried to get into the White House, which means between being a typical self-absorbed twenty something year old PLUS having been raised by Republicans, she likely wasn’t even thinking much about politics.