
As someone who was raised Catholic (no longer practicing), I don’t believe anything hardcore Catholics like her say. When she says she will not let her “faith” impact her decisions she is flat out lying. They are also hypocrites because they hide their hardcore beliefs when its convenient for them to do so.  You know,

This was my first thought, too. She’d turn into the biggest victim on the planet if somebody called her the c-word at work, only to have the HR rep tell her that she’d need more evidence to prove it was a hostile workplace for women.

Not only that, but they understood the Constitution could change with the times, so they added the ability to amend it.

This time they outdid themselves. They found the Queen of the Karens to be on the Supreme Court.

Remember the time when W was shamed into withdrawing Harriet Miers from a SCOTUS nomination? That would never happen now. Amazing that that now seems like “the good old days.”

So the use of racial slurs doesn’t denote hostility? So we’re just exchanging ideas right? It’s all merely an argument. A mere difference of opinion that has no affect on how you feel about a situation correct?

“That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law...I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. That meaning doesn’t change over time and it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my policy views into it,”

Fuck this lady. Like for real y’all. She is an educated fool and a racist. 

Yeah she is hard core Jesus freak.  It’s what Trump and McConnel want. 

I had hoped that she would be sorta like Roberts in that he leans right, but seems willing to uphold the law in some cases. Low fucking bar, I know, but that was the best anyone could hope for. Instead it appears she is just another religious fundie willing to twist the law any way she can to make sure her racist,

Kentuckians have shown us who they are for the past 36 years. It's time we believed them.

My thoughts exactly. It’s infuriating that a Senator from a net taker state as inconsequential as Kentucky has this much power. Seriously, besides bourbon and animal abuse, what does Kentucky contribute to this country?

I think you nailed it. He’s trying to take a page from Kamala’s book, but he just ends up looking like a creepy cartoon villain. 

I thought she really missed an opportunity to point out that he was laughing about his own constituents dying. It’s one thing to see it with our own eyes, but he should have had to answer for it in the debate.

“Do you want a guy from New York setting the agenda?”

It just occurred to me that Mitch McConnell is the same age as Joe Biden, and nobody ever says that Turtle McFuckface is too old for his job.

Take footage straight from the debate, don’t edit any of it, and there’s your closing campaign ad that should be blanketing the airwaves. How on earth someone as nakedly evil as McConnell is sailing to re-election in a year when he’s letting people in his state die and doing absolutely nothing about it is so

The Palpatine cackle at 0:36 when McGrath points out the Senate left in the midst of the pandemic.... shudders.

I do not believe in hell, but if I did I’m pretty sure Mitch has a front row seat there. 

I want either the moderator or McGrath to ask him what he’s smiling and laughing about and compel him to come up with an answer. It’s like when misogynists make a sexist “joke”: what’s funny? Explain the “joke” to me. Explain what is amusing about your constituents losing their jobs, losing their healthcare, and