
Hey, friendly reminder.

This is a very different season, not just from season 1 but also from other superhero shows. There’s basically no villain. It’s all about relationships and how complex and messed up they are.

I call shade on that. The fatsuit woulda killed in the club. Cheap gimmicks like that were made for rail vodka drinks and underage teen girls from the Valley. Those girls love a reveal.

“Eurocentrism” is also thinking of Rome as primarily a European civilization, when they primarily saw themselves as Mediterranean. The Romans considered Syria and Egypt to be far more integral parts of their territory than they did for Gaul and Spain. Most of what we consider the heart of Europe was considered

It’s mostly just me. I am exceedingly shallow and dumb. It’s the XX chromosomes, I expect.

That’s two days longer than I thought it would take.

My two cents: there is no such thing as a Nazi sympathizer. If you have a group of people consisting of one Nazi and six of his sympathizers, what you have is seven Nazis.

The professor was white and would regularly tell me that I was wrong about Black culture.

I feel like with every album Taylor releases, the reviews always say she’s “really matured with this one.”

And I’m a fan, but even I’ll tell you her songs often resemble those passive aggressive Facebook posts your friend makes without mentioning anyone by name.

Now playing

I think the Emmys are bullshirt but I still want these two to at least get nominated.

This episode reminds of the sentiment that Abbi and Ilana expressed while doing a promo for the AV club about surviving/thriving in a post Tr*mp world. That you can fight back by being kind, creative, supportive, and taking care of yourself and those around you. And now I’ll also add this episode’s themes: celebrating

Both my parents are therapists (and my childhood was fine because everyone always so “Oh that explains so much” when I say this) and they tell me that people have brought up Trump A LOT in their sessions since his election.

Ilana’s mental montage/nightmare of the President was fantastic, but her orgasm over a literal slideshow of female icons took it to the next level. Never did T***p-bashing ever feel so fucking euphoric.

I love that they mentioned West Covina as a place Issa could afford to move to. This show could have a crossover with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

I guess if these are the kind of comments Kinja burner accounts get me, I’m not mad about it.

I suspect VH1 nixed that as too risqué, and that it would have made it to air if the series were still just on Logo.

If it sounds professional, she obviously must have had some Dudes do the work for her. No way could she, like, do shit on her own!

"They still happened, but they apparently don't mean anything now."

Yeah, the pacing was not traditional. I'm personally kind of tired of every episode of every drama on television having the same structure. They won the battle early, and we got to see a post-victory party until we realized we were wrong, and the motherfucking rug got pulled out from under us.