If more time is available bump it up.
If more time is available bump it up.
One hour dedicated to a single task is plenty of time. That’s 7 hours a week or 30 hours a month.
Although I prefer to limit the number of “gathering points” (a la Dave Crenshaw’s books and videos) I’ve found it impractical to rely on Keep, Evernote and other digital note tools.
I heard Miami Vice when they ran out of the shed after the mine clanked from the hit.
In my experience, having a cluttered desk leads to distractions. If I'm not using an item at least twice a day it's off of my desk and in a drawer or physical inbox. Dave Crenshaw has some tips on organization and I've been trying it out for several months. I think it can be applied at least in some part to any…
Cars, Bikes, and Other Modes of Transportation: When you're ready to buy a car, a bike, or invest in any other method of getting around, buying cheap for the sake of saving money is always a bad idea. Total cost of ownership—including maintenance, repairs, fuel, storage or parking, and other costs also play into your…
I'm considering a keyboard without the keypad. It's wasted space better suited for the mouse.
Six years ago I commuted 41 miles to work. I was laid off from that job and found one closer to home and commute only 7 miles. The time and stress saved is immeasurable.
I've been using Linux for 4 years. When I'm at work I miss my customized desktop and efficient software. Especially when I have to convert video formats. Windows is so locked down and the bloated no cost applications usually don't work as well as the open source equivalent.