
AMAZING! It worked! THANK YOU!! :)

I wonder if it was even your mom. I had a similar experience when I was in kindergarten and it’s never left my mind. My mom worked crazy shifts when I was little and we lived with my grandma, my dad and my sister. Sometimes my mom or grandma would get me up and ready for school depending on who was available.

I thought I would share a story of my dad’s. Our family has many stories where none of us can quite explain it, to non skeptics we believe we are definitely clairvoyant to some degree. My parents tell me stories from when I was younger, I’m not as in tuned to it as they are but this story of my dads is from his days

Okay, so this year I can participate since the main player who would be scandalized by airing the laundry has passed. As background, my mother had me in her late thirties and her mother in turn had her in her late thirties. My mother was the youngest of eight children and had brothers much older than she, which is how

My grandfather (Papaw) died in a car accident when I was still an infant. Naturally, my mother - always a Daddy’s girl - tried to insure that I had some idea and concept of him growing up. We had dozens of photos of Papaw and my grandmother around our home, and I spent my very early childhood with a solid idea of what

I’ ve always been weary of the supernatural, anxious to find a reason behind the phenomenon, if only to keep myself from getting too scared. I have no logical explanation for what happens in my house. When we moved in, my oldest was 2. His bedroom closet has a small door in the back leading to the attic. My husband

Ya, sad that's all I can remember 10 seconds after watching it.

This was great until they didn’t pick up their trash.

I love this show! I think Halle is pretty good in it (also, she’s the most beautiful person on earth), also I think all her men are really hot. Dead John was hot, and JD is BEYOND hot.

We would get so much further if we could treat chemical dependence as the physical health problem that it is. Yes, it’s a moral failing to take pills or heroin or meth or whatever that first time, you suck, blah blah, but after that it would be great if people weren’t shamed out of seeking help.

No one who practices a minority religion would EVER try to pull shit like this, because they know exactly what would happen to them in particular, and their religion as a group, in a hot second. It’s always protestant Christians who not only feel entitled to do the discriminating, but have the motherfucking gall to

I won’t see The Giver because the book was amazing and the movie looks terrible.

But the curious part of me really wants to see it.

Century 21 is timeless.

Because Pamela Poovey did it first!

The hottest new thing in Moniga del Garda is La Scaletta. It has everything. Waiters that whisper the specials breathlessly in your ear, pizza cubes, chairs made of shitty tippers, entitlement cocktails, lamps that look like upside-down boobs, ice with messages inside about everything you did wrong in your childhood,