ha ha, yes, yes it is
ha ha, yes, yes it is
Supporting role vs. starring role doesn’t factor into your equation at all? Especially after the first season, her winning the Emmy, and cleaning the floor with him in their scenes together?
I don’t know why this sort of thing still shocks me but my mouth literally dropped when I read that headline.
Also, if anything, Rosa Parks is the American Viola Desmond. Viola came first, and her act was a truly spontaneous moment of outrage and protest.
Seriously. What is up with the attitude?? Currency is one of the most obvious statements of cultural values that a nation can make. I really don’t understand the tone of this article.
Agreed - this article is derivative bullshit. And late.
LOL Scorsese dressed as a Russian whilst filming The Irishman.
Here for it.
My ex-boyfriend is American and he always used to say exaggeratedly to me, “Oh, I’m soory”. I’m like, “That’s not how we say it!!” <stamps foot>
I think you’ll find it’s a very popular opinion. Pretty much everyone is trashing this self-indulgent garbage.
These sorts of exchanges always warm me. You two could pass for Canadian!!
I’ve been wondering where this article was! I didn’t know there were accusations against him - usually rely on Jez for this sort of news. Surprised it didn’t get more traction in the lead up to the Oscars.
That is indeed a great memory! :)
Is there no article on Jez that discusses Gary Oldman beating his ex-wife in front of their small children? I didn’t even know this was a thing until the Oscars were over and I saw it trending on Twitter. Surprised it didn’t get more (any?) traction on Jezebel.
Are you from a small town or a conservative sort of area? I don’t remember it being a thing where I grew up (middle class Ontario city) but I’m not surprised to hear it was shocking and verboten in some enclaves.
Oh, once my friends and I discovered Forever and Wifey they got passed around and all the sex scenes had dog-eared pages! Good times.
PS my middle name is Margaret ;)
But we were all reading Are you there God in grade 5, weren’t we? (I remember being confused by the pink sanitary belts! Even I am not that old.)
When I was in grade 7 back in the early 80s, I did a book report on Wifey, just to be a brat because I hated my teacher.
Spoiler alert was the mid-season finale months ago.