This is a bad article and I think Jez is actually dead. I’ll miss it.
This is a bad article and I think Jez is actually dead. I’ll miss it.
I don’t understand - you decided to write a piece criticizing a beloved television show and character because why?
Sometimes a writer will publish an article that serves as an alert to avoid all their work. This is one of those times.
I’d have FNL on a 24 hour loop before I’d sit through the “good” dads on Full House or Fresh Prince.
I don’t see the point of this piece. The show doesn’t try to depict Eric Taylor as a perfect father. He’s a guy who often puts his coaching responsibilities ahead of his familial ones, sometimes to the serious detriment of his wife and children. He’s an old-fashioned guy with a good heart but disordered priorities.…
Oh, they hate that a woman married a prince. That she’s biracial is just the cherry on top.
I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.
I feel like you could’ve helped progress the process of not tying everything Osaka does back to that moment by not using the entire final paragraph of this article to tie Osaka’s actions in this unrelated match that didn’t even feature Williams back to that moment.
to keep tying Osaka to that fiasco is unfair ... Ideally, as Osaka gets older, the only reason she and Williams will be compared to each other is for the number of titles they’ve each won.
Serena Williams is an asshole. Why is that so hard to accept? It’s ok to be an asshole! It’s also ok to see an asshole being an asshole and say, “What an asshole!” When the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, did we yell, “BOY, EVEN IN VICTORY THAT ADOLF HITLER SURE IS FLINTY”?! Hell no! We shook pineapples at the sky and…
I didn’t say labor would be unnecessary, but that the population would exceed demand.
it’ll take at least four more years for Canada to have anything to actually celebrate
This is a terrible post.
Yeah, this was embarrassing to read and a pretty low point in the Deadspin editorial. Especially since the Canadian team gave no reason for bad sportsmanship criticism, so it doesn’t even connect through that point.
“The vast majority of human beings all over the world understand that you can win without being an asshole. Come join us.”
Not to mention belittling the efforts of a team that had nothing to do with the comment simply because they’re from the same country.