
This is a super-sweet post that made me nostalgic for watching Chuck & Di with my mom way back in the day. And I agree with your take on the dress: even looking at her dress from 2017 eyes, I still love Di’s dress. I see that it’s completely over the top and frilly and such, but at the time, it just seemed so perfect

Yeah, I’m sure my reaction to it had everything to do with the fact I was 12. As Excel commented above, it was quite juvenile. But it’s like bad music from your youth. You know, now, objectively, that it’s bad, but you still feel good when you hear it again.

Too true. Feels like a lot of standing around waiting for something of interest to happen. “Kiss her! Kiss her!” was a moment.

As I confessed elsewhere, I loved her dress back then, and I still love it, though it is hopelessly dated now. My own wedding dress some 8 years later had a bow at the back (per Sarah Ferguson) and floofy elbow-length sleeves. The marriage was obviously doomed.

Ha ha, I have a comment somewhere here that mentions my mom and I sleeping on the sofa bed for the same reason! It was very exciting back then.

Oh, I was one of those up at the crack of dawn ladies! Well, I was merely a girl then. My mom and I slept on the sofa bed in the basement so we could watch the ceremony together. I was 12. It was sort of anticlimactic, after seeing Di’s dress.

Hearts for Fran!

OMG is that from Exit to Eden? (What else did Paul Mercurio ever do after that?!)

Glad your mom’s back to fighting form.

Obligatory Anchorman quote

What??? No.

I made a comment when the post first went live that’s forever lost in the greys now I suspect. I referred to the way Fey essentially neutered her devastating satire of Sarah Palin by appearing next to her on SNL, and basically letting Palin in on the joke. Cowardly “both sides” bullshit, like her buddy Jimmy Fallon

I had this same thought. This is a good time to say nothing if you’re Tina Fey. I also appreciate her comedic genius, and her (I’m sure) sincere desire to give a voice to the outrage so many of us feel. But as a white woman with limited life experiences myself, I feel like, the best thing right now is to show support

This assumes her audience understands that kind of subtlety. Most (white) people think it’s “brilliant”, and not because it’s shaming people for their head in the sand (cake) inertia.


Right, RINO actually stands for Republican in Nice Oxford shirts

That was pretty much my take. She said all the right things but it still made me uncomfortable.

Ever since she neutered her own devastating satire of Sarah Palin by letting her in on the joke, I’ve stopped listening to her.

Many hearts for Taylor.

You don’t have to call her a moron.