
While I am sorry you saw something you didn’t intend to, consider that the only one spoiling it for you is yourself. You have built up this notion that seeing any part of a movie before seeing the whole movie is somehow reducing your total lifetime happiness. But this is an artificial construct. You can get the same

You’re only using TSR naming conventions, or English Heraldry. “Dragons” can have 0, 2, 4, or 6 limbs(or more), depending on the tradition and source. Otherwise let’s rename “St. George and the Wyvern” (only 4 limbs in most depictions), Chinese “lizards” (no wings), or Colchian “Wyrm” (no limbs). I suspect you know

So in the films Avengers tower is built on top of the real Met Life Building. If you look closely at the footage, the Avengers tower still looks like the real-life building for its bottom sections. That means at street level, it wouldn’t look any different than the way the real New York looks, unless you look up.

You can push it further. Both IH, CA:tFA and DS have the heroes fighting enemies with the same powerset (Abomination, Red Skull, Kaecillius and his followers).

I have had a similar thought. CW shows like Arrow are my guilty pleasure, but some of the stunt performers they get are exceptional. Arrow in particular releases footage of them developing and practicing their fights, and these are uncut continuous fights. And they look pretty impressive. Then the aired footage cuts

This is great. I have been anxious about what a Punisher show would look like because of the fetishization of violence and killing, and this article really puts a voice to those concerns while giving a new angle to the analysis. Punisher works in the comics because the “capes” always step in to confront him, slow him

Is it possible that the 3rd party data has gotten a lot less reliable? I don’t really understand how they are tracking these things, but counting user “clicks” on smart TVs and Roku certainly won’t work, and I can’t imagine Roku permits 3rd parties to track their users.

Holy crap I thought it WAS a ukelele this whole time!

I too made the “I am the Three-Eyed Raven/Iron Fist” connection, probably because I watched the finales of both shows last night!

The two seasons we got before added up to 30 minutes each, so how are they padding this out to two hours?

Here is a description of how the song was written - as written by one of the songwriters,

This image (from the still above and the show) made me think of this Jeff Easley Dragonlance classic painting ...

Line-up report:

I’m with you. R1 is one of my favorite SW movies because it felt so different from other SW movies. As a war movie, it was a pretty effective look at how war (even a fictional one) involves a lot of heroism from ordinary folks who don’t have force wizard powers and the ultimate force luck (violated only slightly in

I am aware of those signs and I do watch for them. One memorable example was in a group of students. I was appalled at what the offender was doing, so I cut him off very abruptly to hand the floor back to his victim, and refused to make eye contact with him again. Take that!

Love it.

As a scientist, I can honestly say I have never seen anything like this in my field (not physics or astronomy). As tempting as it would be to think that it doesn’t happen, it is more terrifying to think these things are happening around me and I don’t see them.

When your coffee shop proprietor looks more like a mountainous super hero than the mountainous super hero. Thompson’s like “Colter, do you even lift, bro?”

Are the honeycombs hollow? If the fly is sitting inside a sealed tube filled with air, it will decompose at the same rate as normal. Sorry, not a fossil. More like a really fancy trap. It would only fossilize if it was encased in a solid and air-impermeable sheath, the way amber does.

I think you are a bit too judgmental. You can do what you want, including judge and criticize, but realize that you don’t have to. Nobody has to do anything, and you don’t have to be this way either. You can let other people make choices you don’t like or agree with without needing to denigrate them. How is your