I am also confused. I don’t think of any religion as being more or less peaceful than another. People of any religion may be peaceful or violent.
I am also confused. I don’t think of any religion as being more or less peaceful than another. People of any religion may be peaceful or violent.
I think the backlash here is at least in part because he may have done something wrong and did not suffer any legal consequences (settled out of court what could have been an arrestable and jailable offense). I presume you resolved your arrest within the limits of the legal system in where your position of power and…
Would that mean a republican congress passed it?
Everyone struggles with eating, overeating, undereating to some extent, but that doesn’t elevate their condition to a disorder which is usually restricted to long periods of your life in constant struggle.
Scalia, devil rest his soul, was also a trash human. Voted against every affirmative action type case that came before him, but was put on the bench because Reagan thought it would be good if there was an “Italian” in the Supreme Court. The definition of affirmative action got him there so he could dismantle it.
As a site that regularly (and justifiably) picks on others’ poor copy editing, please hold yourselves to a higher standard. “Virulent” means contagious and spreading, so this man’s racism shouldn’t be described that way unless it has been known to spread to other people. Sure it sounds cool (see comments below) but it…
When the nights got cold who stole you fire from down below?
Bingo. You got it. Unfortunately ...
True. But when you’re starting out I imagine you want your video linked to from somewhere popular or word of mouth/twitter references to it. Trusting an algorithm to find it does sounds fruitless.
Can you imagine being christian, white, male AND bigoted??? Man, life’s odds are really stacked against you, aren’t they? It’s a quadruple whammy of life’s greatest misfortunes. If only you were black or gay, THEN AND ONLY THEN would you belong to one of society’s privileged classes.
I love “Cheeto Benito”, brilliant.
How long till we find out she is fulfilling other first lady duties? And yes I mean that in the grossest way possible.
I hope things get better for you soon.
Great picture! Such a fascinating adaptation. Both repulsive and intriguing in equal measure.
I’m trying to understand what you mean by “they usually won’t risk it.” I think you mean that wildlife services will act as though any suspicious case is a deadly disease (rabies) and won’t risk assuming it’s a non-dangerous (to humans) canine distemper. In which case I agree.
Possibly a lone tom (male) or jake (young male). Turkey flocks typically have 1-3 large toms, a much larger number of hens, and depending on time of year a bunch of chicks, jakes, and jennies (young females). If you follow the mass balance, you can figure out that the males are kicked out of the flock at some point,…
Canine distemper also causes raccoons to act weird during the day, FYI. The more you know...
Well their defense mechanism is to look like a rotting corpse, soooo ...
Could that be canine distemper? I’m not an expert, but it looks like it could be distemper or rabies. Haven’t checked the YT comments, maybe someone said there.
Hmm, good points. Elsewhere here the statue was brought up, and that clearly is satire. I guess to me the question is: