
I like how the only way to impose scientific reason in law is to call it part of a religion.

Yes. They also misunderstand what “freedom of religion” means. It doesn’t mean “protect the beliefs imposed by religion”, it actually means “the state won’t interfere with people’s religious expression”. In a philosophical sense, atheism is a form of religious expression, so it should be protected the same way, in

I agree with you in principle, but I don’t think this is satire. This is a series of logical arguments based on the established protections available. That the protections apply to arbitrary sets of rules set by “religions” is a side-effect of the theistic underpinnings of our society. FSM is satire, I feel this is

edited: original premise was bunk.

It’s not the shipping that scares me off. It’s the high markups.

It’s not the shipping that scares me off. It’s the high markups.

I think it’s too common to have a Greek tragedy named after it.

Counter counterpoint- you can’t deny that she’s also quite magical.

So he made up the gun? Hoping the cops would plant one at the scene for him? I like the comedy in that legal defense strategy.

Did Means actually have a gun? The article doesn’t really establish this fact one way or another. If he didn’t, this is an open and shut case. If he did, I’m afraid that wiggle room will get him off. Naturally, the defense will make sure the illegal gun possession and prior domestic abuse stay out of the case and

“Honor” affects rape victims, who can be children, and who can then be turned into brides. You are either unaware of what rape victims experience in these regions, or ignoring them. We are specifically discussing when rape victims are also children.

You are either being thick or willfully ignoring what I am actually saying. I was never talking about the EU. You need to stop equating Europe with the EU. They are different things. Venn diagram that shit. I agree that the EU can set its own rules for its own exclusive club, we don’t disagree on that point. I was

To clarify:

Is your definition of Europe based on wealth? I agree that Turkey is much poorer than many European countries, and most EU countries (GDP per capita is lower, but GDP growth is faster). But I was never arguing for Turkish membership in the EU. I was talking about “Europe”, a vague concept with fuzzy borders that

Your overgeneralization about muslims is excessive. Everything you said applies to christians too. Christians are also based on groups and collectivese and clans. Christianity certainly isn’t interested in individual freedom. Let’s be honest, individualism and humanism is a secular concept, and christians and muslims

What factually are you objecting to in my statements? It is easy to suggest that I am misinformed, but provide some context.

I think you’re overreacting. I took the OP comment as meaning that those actions were lip service. The despot in power now wasn’t actually “modernizing” the country in meaningful ways, just using the EU parade as a way to gain credibility as a “democratic leader” and “modernizer” and then later as an excuse to reject

“Europe” isn’t a place. As a continent, it’s borders are arbitrary. You are excluding Turkey to fit your own view of how the world should work. Geographically, Cyprus is less in Europe than Turkey either (it’s further east, not connected by land), but it’s in the EU. Russia reaches the Pacific Ocean, it’s considered

Yup! This and totally this. Europe’s racism and anti-muslim-ism has driven Turkey in this direct.


This is brilliant. And the only reason he would do this too. A dictator can’t put his own daughter in prison for opposing him.