
Yetta is sadly right. In rural regions of Turkey (and elsewhere) “Honor” of women and girls is still a strong concept - such that mothers of raped daughters would rather see their daughters married off to the rapists as a way of legitimizing them. A rape victim would be ostracized and because she is no longer a virgin

I’m not so sure this is about religion. It’s more about the separation from modern civilization that happens in remote rural regions in this developing country. They are following the old ways, which are more about convenience for unmarried men than they are about adhering to some religious practice. “Honor” of women

Wow! A comment on a post from four years ago!

Can it be both? Out of the ashes like a phoenix and all...

This is a version of “white men are heroes” when they do things that they should or that others do. Women who fight for equality are name-called but men get praised. Look how hard they are trying!

Came here to say this - he’s obv. just gonna go after the child support.

Unfortunately the name is tainted for many liberals too. It a “thing” to say you’re for women, but not admit to being a feminist. Probably too many people don’t understand what the word does and doesn’t mean, and are afraid to commit to a word they don’t understand.

IF she really didn’t care about labels, she wouldn’t have a problem with the word, no?


To be fair, we don’t really know if this stuff is happening only in the protagonist’s head as she contemplates the horrors. It is heavily implied (to me at least) that we are watching her lose her grip as she imagines these things and she is trying to write down the things that she sees. So it could be more

You’re an idiot. The full quote is saying publicly shaming a child and an addict is “too much”. Maybe you understood that and are twisting the meaning to make a point. Maybe you are incapable of understanding people who speak.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

I enjoyed this waaaaay more than I think I ought to have.

My jaw literally dropped. I can’t believe how tasteless this is. And the insincere “We’ll Never Forget” was like getting stabbed. Good thing 3,000 people died, you get a sale!

Plus the University can now get a major donor to put a new name on the building!

I think a lot of the discussion will revolve around the concept of how her personal philosophy fits into feminism, and whether we are allowed to criticize her personal version of feminism.

Just wow. Couldn’t get past the thinly veiled threat to stone and kill Rapinoe because she’s gay. Bringing up other countries’ barbarism is code for “be careful or we may do it to you too”. Disgusting. It’s also a straw man fallacy. “Don’t ask for better treatment because at least we aren’t killing you.” What a

Serious question, not trolling - could it be an R3 unit?

It’s kind of a systematic flaw in our “innocent until proven guilty” legal system. That ideal doesn’t work for domestic violence because it fails to protect the victim from the perpetrator “until” proven guilty, and the until part is when this perpetrator killed his estranged wife. Innocent until proven guilty was

Genuine question here: what on earth possesses these people to attempt to touch another person’s hair? Forget the sense of entitlement that’s involved (fucked up in its own special way), why do they want to do that at all? I can’t say I have ever had the thought enter my head. I really don’t understand the mindset.