
And about as much for marketing is the rule of thumb, sooooo......

Bingo. You got it. Unfortunately ...

A Leia - Kylo confrontation is a must. I agree.

I think I get what you’re saying.

Same age as the ACTOR for goodness sakes! Read what I wrote and you’ll see that I’m talking about the ACTOR. Obviously they can’t cast Harrison Ford or Billy Dee Williams again even though the CHARACTERS were close enough to the same age, they recast the ACTOR!

That’s an example of Old to Young. They did that with Obi-Wan years ago. Studios are more hesitant to recast role that are the same age - such as Leia from Ep. VII to VIII or Tarkin from Ep. IV to R1

I came here to say so too! It looks terrible!



I was precisely pointing out that opinions will diverge. You have expressed one such opinion. I’m not saying this is my opinion. It just makes you appreciate how difficult the choice is for the studio, because every choice will make someone unhappy.

I think recasting is a terrific idea, and am baffled by the extreme reluctance studios generally show in doing so. (I understand some reluctance.) Of course, recasting would ALSO anger some people who would view it as writing Fisher out of the role. So there is no move that will please EVERYONE.

True. But when you’re starting out I imagine you want your video linked to from somewhere popular or word of mouth/twitter references to it. Trusting an algorithm to find it does sounds fruitless.

I strongly suspect Sx90 to be a creationist and/or troll who is determined to frustrate scientifically sound analysis of the problem. Could be a tactic to try to make it seem like there is more disagreement in biological and evolutionary sciences that there really is.

All good points - but maybe this explains how the Alliance fucked things up after RotJ leading to the mess we see in tFA. As in, these weren’t the best people in the first place, and when they overthrew the Empire, maybe they weren’t the best to put in power either. Leads to Leia led Resistance and First Order Schism

You are really funny. You also don’t understand the wiki article. It has an entire section on mutation. It talks about mutation’s role in evolution. You are ignoring that. Your original wiki “quote” was to put out one sentence from a larger text to say “See? This sentence doesn’t use the same words you did! You must

Can you imagine being christian, white, male AND bigoted??? Man, life’s odds are really stacked against you, aren’t they? It’s a quadruple whammy of life’s greatest misfortunes. If only you were black or gay, THEN AND ONLY THEN would you belong to one of society’s privileged classes.


Look if you want to claim victory, I won’t stop you. Just because you can cite something doesn’t mean you understand it. You haven’t said anything that suggests you understand basic biology.

Perhaps you are not a worthy adversary? :( :( :( triple frown.

You do not understand the molecular basis of genetics, biology, and evolution. End of story. I need an entire biology course to teach you how DNA works.