
Simple - all traits are selected for by evolution if they provide fitness (defined many ways). Any traits that do not increase fitness are a waste of resources by the body. Making bones takes a lot of resources - if they provide no fitness benefit, they are selected against over time, as individuals without bones are

Great picture! Such a fascinating adaptation. Both repulsive and intriguing in equal measure.

I’m trying to understand what you mean by “they usually won’t risk it.” I think you mean that wildlife services will act as though any suspicious case is a deadly disease (rabies) and won’t risk assuming it’s a non-dangerous (to humans) canine distemper. In which case I agree.

Possibly a lone tom (male) or jake (young male). Turkey flocks typically have 1-3 large toms, a much larger number of hens, and depending on time of year a bunch of chicks, jakes, and jennies (young females). If you follow the mass balance, you can figure out that the males are kicked out of the flock at some point,

Canine distemper also causes raccoons to act weird during the day, FYI. The more you know...

Well their defense mechanism is to look like a rotting corpse, soooo ...

Could that be canine distemper? I’m not an expert, but it looks like it could be distemper or rabies. Haven’t checked the YT comments, maybe someone said there.

Hmm, good points. Elsewhere here the statue was brought up, and that clearly is satire. I guess to me the question is:

I like how the only way to impose scientific reason in law is to call it part of a religion.

Yes. They also misunderstand what “freedom of religion” means. It doesn’t mean “protect the beliefs imposed by religion”, it actually means “the state won’t interfere with people’s religious expression”. In a philosophical sense, atheism is a form of religious expression, so it should be protected the same way, in

I agree with you in principle, but I don’t think this is satire. This is a series of logical arguments based on the established protections available. That the protections apply to arbitrary sets of rules set by “religions” is a side-effect of the theistic underpinnings of our society. FSM is satire, I feel this is

I think she means “her parents are the kind of people who would abandon her on a planet like that, what more do you need to know, they are bad parents”. As in the most interesting thing about them is that left Rey on Jakku.

Marvel Comics are a fictionalized version of the events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

edited: original premise was bunk.

It’s not the shipping that scares me off. It’s the high markups.

It’s not the shipping that scares me off. It’s the high markups.

I think it’s too common to have a Greek tragedy named after it.

Counter counterpoint- you can’t deny that she’s also quite magical.

So he made up the gun? Hoping the cops would plant one at the scene for him? I like the comedy in that legal defense strategy.

Did Means actually have a gun? The article doesn’t really establish this fact one way or another. If he didn’t, this is an open and shut case. If he did, I’m afraid that wiggle room will get him off. Naturally, the defense will make sure the illegal gun possession and prior domestic abuse stay out of the case and

“Honor” affects rape victims, who can be children, and who can then be turned into brides. You are either unaware of what rape victims experience in these regions, or ignoring them. We are specifically discussing when rape victims are also children.