
You are either being thick or willfully ignoring what I am actually saying. I was never talking about the EU. You need to stop equating Europe with the EU. They are different things. Venn diagram that shit. I agree that the EU can set its own rules for its own exclusive club, we don’t disagree on that point. I was

Ok, I haven’t read the comic, but did he get straight up murdered here? BB is a murderer? This doesn’t look like a battle. I can’t tell from context if BB is just killing Cyclops because he stopped all mutants from being poisoned to death. What harm is this action to the Inhumans, other than an inconvenience - they

To clarify:

Is your definition of Europe based on wealth? I agree that Turkey is much poorer than many European countries, and most EU countries (GDP per capita is lower, but GDP growth is faster). But I was never arguing for Turkish membership in the EU. I was talking about “Europe”, a vague concept with fuzzy borders that

Your overgeneralization about muslims is excessive. Everything you said applies to christians too. Christians are also based on groups and collectivese and clans. Christianity certainly isn’t interested in individual freedom. Let’s be honest, individualism and humanism is a secular concept, and christians and muslims

What factually are you objecting to in my statements? It is easy to suggest that I am misinformed, but provide some context.

I thought that this is how they got away with gaudy colors in their costumes, that look ridiculous in live action otherwise. In the DCEU, they mute the actual costume colors, and the X-Men movies only use grey and black (with few exceptions)

I think you’re overreacting. I took the OP comment as meaning that those actions were lip service. The despot in power now wasn’t actually “modernizing” the country in meaningful ways, just using the EU parade as a way to gain credibility as a “democratic leader” and “modernizer” and then later as an excuse to reject

“Europe” isn’t a place. As a continent, it’s borders are arbitrary. You are excluding Turkey to fit your own view of how the world should work. Geographically, Cyprus is less in Europe than Turkey either (it’s further east, not connected by land), but it’s in the EU. Russia reaches the Pacific Ocean, it’s considered

Yup! This and totally this. Europe’s racism and anti-muslim-ism has driven Turkey in this direct.


This is brilliant. And the only reason he would do this too. A dictator can’t put his own daughter in prison for opposing him.

Yetta is sadly right. In rural regions of Turkey (and elsewhere) “Honor” of women and girls is still a strong concept - such that mothers of raped daughters would rather see their daughters married off to the rapists as a way of legitimizing them. A rape victim would be ostracized and because she is no longer a virgin

I’m not so sure this is about religion. It’s more about the separation from modern civilization that happens in remote rural regions in this developing country. They are following the old ways, which are more about convenience for unmarried men than they are about adhering to some religious practice. “Honor” of women

Clan of the Cave Batman is the full name, and is a great name

Wow! A comment on a post from four years ago!

or how about this - situation desperate enough to need supergirl, leave martian manhunter and superman (not to mention Alex) behind.

If it’s easy to form portals (it is) and they have done it before (they have) how is it functionally different from them being in the same universe? It’s just as though they live on different continents - they can meet up but not every week cause that’s a tedious flight/portal jump.

Science fiction tells me that you have to be frozen before you die. So why are these peeps getting frozen after? Won’t they be still dead when they thaw out? (I mean realistically, they’ll be dead from the freezing either way, we’re not waterbears, I’m just trying to figure out the logic behind the thing).

Can it be both? Out of the ashes like a phoenix and all...