
Just wow. Couldn’t get past the thinly veiled threat to stone and kill Rapinoe because she’s gay. Bringing up other countries’ barbarism is code for “be careful or we may do it to you too”. Disgusting. It’s also a straw man fallacy. “Don’t ask for better treatment because at least we aren’t killing you.” What a

Jessica Jones did this well with Kilgrave. He was an effective villain, AND he didn’t have control over Jessica at the time! (Not that either of them knew that at the time).

*Me too. Young Justice. I don't remember him on any others really, what have I missed?


But we know we will get a magic based “Justice League Dark” movie down the line, so Constantine and Dr. Fate are off the table???

The eating looks refined because it’s slow, and it’s slow because crabs are cold-blooded. Soo slooowww. Gimme some fast-paced mammals or birds any day for my modern short attention span, I want to see that onion ring down and out.

Serious question, not trolling - could it be an R3 unit?

Also, how does one come out of the greys here? Been posting for a while and still greyed.

You’re right. I am being diplomatic here. See my replies elsewhere on this thread where I call it “racist and exploitative.”

That’s a fair point.

At least we know that Black Lightning was first, Black Vulcan was a deliberate ripoff because they couldn’t get the rights for Super Friends, and Static is an homage/update of the Black Lightning for the 90s. So even though that’s three characters with the same race and powers, they are really different versions of

I agree with this, but even Flash season two was getting a little too dark and bogged down by the mythology and losing some of its fun. Arrow shows it the most, but Flash had a little too. I would love it if all the shows shared a bit more of the fun (Legends of Tomorrow had some fun in some ridiculous episodes) and

I’m sure we can find plenty of other talented black male actors to play this role. We have more than just the one.

The earlier answers are very true, but Static was also an homage to Black Lightning. See for example when Static plays the “Black Vulcan” role in the Young Justice cartoon, and Black Vulcan is a deliberate ripoff of Black Lightning in the original Super Friends cartoon because they didn’t have the rights to Black

Great example of why the name is problematic.

Wrong - in this case DC was deliberately drawing attention to the character’s race, and only because he is black. His lightning is not black, and black lightning isn’t a thing. Just because Black Widow and Black Panther exist as names for other reasons does NOT mean that Black Lightning’s name isn’t racist and

Now playing

Wrong - in this case DC was deliberately drawing attention to the character’s race, and only because he is black. His lightning is not black, and black lightning isn’t a thing. Just because Black Widow and Black Panther exist as names for other reasons does NOT mean that Black Lightning’s name isn’t racist and

It’s kind of a systematic flaw in our “innocent until proven guilty” legal system. That ideal doesn’t work for domestic violence because it fails to protect the victim from the perpetrator “until” proven guilty, and the until part is when this perpetrator killed his estranged wife. Innocent until proven guilty was

Reminds me a lot of the Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle from Young Justice, but less charming, and more pointless. That show managed to convey the teenager having an inner monologue with an artificial intelligence and granting superpowers thing with more soul and less training montages.

Genuine question here: what on earth possesses these people to attempt to touch another person’s hair? Forget the sense of entitlement that’s involved (fucked up in its own special way), why do they want to do that at all? I can’t say I have ever had the thought enter my head. I really don’t understand the mindset.