
I sense your sarcasm , but it also piqued my interest. According to this, the rounds are $65 each. The GAU-8 can shoot up to 4200 rounds per minute or $273,000. Since its ammo load is restricted to something like 1150 rounds, that equates to "just" $74,750.…

Well, while I catching hell for even asking about it, the fact that 22 people (so far) have starred it shows that Jezebel has a perception problem.

Now you're just making shit up out of thin air. And highly offensive shit at that. Piss off, you troll.

Sounds like what really broke him was the fact this woman was rather horrible altogether. I mean, 24 or 15, if a woman denies my involvement, takes my child, and vanishes, it would, as you say, break me.

No, only male rape by women they like is a myth. It's sexual violence against men they repeatedly belittle and/or approve of.

Troll smarter, not harder!

Doesn't Jezebel perpetuate the idea that male rape is a myth?

This is brilliant. Goodbye forever, Lifehacker and all Gawker sites.

say "my, that's a huge dick"

Wow that was a bit intense, I nearly started sweating. As reasonable adults I think we can adjust the tone and have a proper debate. I'll play Schrodinger's advocate and be on both sides of this argument as well as the fence. I agree with @occamsrezr but I think he's over complicating things, and as we all know; the…

This video is noteworthy because a BMW driver used their blinker, right?

"Broncos? OJ drove a White Bronco. If you are a Broncos fan, you support wife killers." - Jay Schoeder

If I was a betting man, I'd put my money on this causing it

Well, you know what they say, you can take Kobe out of Philly, but you can't take the worthless loudmouth arrogant huge piece of shit fucking asshole egotistical jackass terrible human being out of Kobe.

I wonder if these sorts of tactics might possibly be why so many people seem to hate dealerships. I am sure some nice dealership employee will be along any minute to tell me about how rare this stuff is.

Doesn't matter. The job of the police is to defuse situations, not escalate them.

you mean there's justification for a public employee to speak to a citizen like that? maybe the copper should suck it up, be mature, and keep walking the fuck away since he was obviously done with his business.

Also, sounds like it had to do with having the plate bent so that it wasn't visible.