
"The process they are pushing is arbitrary, inconsistent, and contrary to what they agreed to do..."

Photo: AP

Given the threat that Hasselbeck, her supporters,and the shit she sells present to all women, I hope she's hated for a long, long time.

"After mentioning her tumor and subsequent surgery, Elisabeth was quick to point out how thankful she was to live in a country where her ability to get said surgery was determined by how much money she makes as well as the whims of a man in a suit behind an Insurance desk.

"I am just so thankful," she said, glancing

Oh yeah? When they start speaking our language we'll start wearing their flowers.

"Technically he should be home "resting"...just sayin'." - God

Richest country in the history of the world, and people have to have a bake sale to raise funds when they get sick. What the fuck.

Parents became suspicious of Sandau's views when he started awarding gold stars to the team's worst, least coordinated players.

I don't get treating those in the service industry like shit.

As the old saying goes, a butterfly flaps it's wings in China and Derek Rose gets knocked out of the game by the stiff breeze it creates.

I like the Raptors new road uniforms...

On the flip side of the coin, this morning on Alex Jones' radio show, he spent a full 15 minutes on how he didn't believe that Jets could ever be responsible for such a huge, internal collapse

Ray Walston in "Damn Yankees" is perfectly charming and affable, even if he is trying to damn Tab Hunter's soul . . ..

Brimstone was some goooood shit. John Glover was amazing in that.

Peyton grabs Kitterman, kisses him hard, and says "I know it was you, Paul. You broke my heart, with the noise you were making."

To quote Hickox's boyfriend, Christie "messed with the wrong redhead."

This is too bad they don't have a chewbacca dog.

It can take up to 21 days for Ebola to present, and I find it really offensive that a DOCTOR to would be opposed to quarantine during that period. Better safe than sorry, folks.

Straight out bragging here. I buy boxes of full size candy at Costco and give them all out. I live on a corner in a really nice house and light up the yard with inflatable ghosts and spiders and pumpkins so everyone knows there is candy here. Lots of kids get driven to the neighborhood (we see the cars) and I have a