
I'm assuming he won't be traded to the Cowboys, because they don't beat anybody.

Phew, thank god they kept that uber-distraction Michael Sam off an active roster, huh guys?

Roger Goodell and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.

Now we get to find out who the NFL cares less about, women or kids.

CBS Instructed Pregame Broadcasters To Avoid Calling Anyone Out

I actually liked My Own Worst Enemy. And Breaking In was a Bret Harrison show (Harrison has his own trail of failed shows)

In Brimstone (1998-1999), a dead cop comes back to life as the Devil's soul-collector.

Idea for Jekyll & Hyde sci-fi series (patent totally pending):

It's slightly embarrassing that I know this, but no. King had the idea for the show, it was produced, and then the book tie-in was released later.

Entire photo, l-r: A unkindness of Ravens

Okay you folks of the she started it persuasion, also the it's their business not our's school of thought, and jump on board ye of the group known as I met him and he's such a nice guy experience. Gather round all of you 27's and supporters of the same and answer silly old me one question. What was that going on after

Émile Zola: [rises from the dead]

They didn't lose their writer or the thread of the story. I'm sure there's a place for shows canceled too soon, but this not being properly finished still causes a completely unreasonable amount of rage in my heart....

So you don't think the creator of the work can add to that work after it is out there? I mean, she could turn round and say half the characters in there had a great big gay orgy after defeating the bad guy at the end and people could be pissed, but it is her story. It is her world and realistically she is the only one

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

I understand where you're coming from. I really, really do. But our nation is not one where such legal action can be taken without potential "slippery slope" consequences. However it is possible that after an appropriate educational session with school boards and directors, we could convince most school districts

I never really understood all the Moffat hate. I've enjoyed the story arcs so far with him. My only desire is to see more future Earth and alien planets. It felt like we saw more of that in the earlier years when Eccleston and Tenant were on the show but it might just be in my head =/

"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"

People who hate musicals because "stopping to sing a song isn't 'realistic'". ARRRGH.