
HAHAHAHAHA someone at work once tried to give me one of these stupid things! Like 'OMG Burt, look how tiny and precious this is, can you believe this is what a baby actually looks like when it's in your belly?" trying to be all sly about talking about this shit to co-worker. I dropped it on the floor, stomped it with

I come from a wealthy family, and my partner does not. He says he thinks the main difference between my family and friends and his, is that we don't worry as much. And I think he's right about that.

This is why flat taxes are inherently bad for lower income people. If you say you're going to tax everyone 15%, that could be the difference between eating and not for low income families, whereas 15% for a millionaire is the difference between a second car and a third.

My point is that immediately saying "liberal white people, you are all awful" doesn't lead to a productive conversation. I'm not going to look at that and be like, "Oh yeah totally we ARE the fucking worst, let's chat about that." When someone starts out looking for a confrontation, they don't want to talk about it.

It just shows where people's priorities really are.

So if these "good liberal white people" are so concerned about racism, the police, the justice system et al., where is the outcry over the VRA and the numerous other incidents of black people getting unjustly killed? Its nowhere to be found.

How exactly are you any better? You pretty much just decided that all white people are the worst and if that isn't racist as fuck, I don't know what is. If you somehow got to pick your skin color, let me know how you did it, because I certainly wasn't offered that choice. All I can do is treat everyone like a human

That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.

Wonderful investigative journalism by KTVU's new foreign correspondant, El Oh El.

Charlie has since spent the last 25 years hosting the morning show on WIP.

This woman is such a brilliant costumer, it gives me the chills. If you haven't already, check out I was amazed by just how much costuming has to do with the telling of the story. Kiss the rest of your afternoon goodbye though- these are seriously addicting.

I'm fucking ashamed that he forgot which goddamn document he swore a sacred oath to when he enlisted. I swore an oath to protect the goddamn CONSTITUTION. He can suck my ass. Piss pot poor soldier, if you ask me.

**yes, I am riled. I'm a veteran and although I only served 6 years I am FUCKING PROUD of my brothers

"I did not go overseas and fight for our country so that we could come back and be subject to something like that. Several of us (veterans) feel that the flying of this flag is a poke in the eye of a way of life."
People should be ashamed that people like this have been in our military.

My dad interviewed him once. When he found out that my dad had recently had a baby (my older brother), he sent him a silver baby rattle. Dustin Hoffman is a beautiful person.

Does America not have cheese, Gwyneth?

Somehow, the sentence "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their power from the consent of the governed" completely condemns taxation

I wonder how long it will take this wholesome celebration to descend into batshittery?

are there any off the table right now? I mean at this point the Warren Commission is indicting him.

...Mitch McConnell, who said the 2016 Democratic field was like “a rerun of ‘The Golden Girls.'"