
I mean, NOW is really just an embarrassment at this point.

I believe in my right to Choos. Jimmy Choos.

And, according to FOX News, I can now marry this horse.

As an avid Eagles fan I'd like to point out that in my mind this is close enough to finally getting Super Bowl hardware.

"We were raised in a family of love and faith in a house that God lived."

What does this have to do with anything?

I'm certainly no member of Serena's fan club and it's absolutely no secret that she's spoiled rotten by her family and her lifestyle. But I will say that professionally, at no time in her career has she seemed inappropriately entitled. You cannot accomplish what she has and maintain her level of competition at her

Maybe Doug is confusing it with 'Sweeney Todd?' But maybe even that is giving him too much credit.

I don't think it was malicious. I think she grew up in a time when people used the N word all the time and told jokes about Jews and gays. Does that make it ok? No.

What Paula Deen said was wrong. But her racism seems to come from stupidity rather than malice or anger.

To be fair, people are a: by nature social and b: inclined to anthropomorphize stuff. Given how many people converse with objects and animals that can't respond, it's probably much harder not to anthropomorphize a device which can answers back.

Knock knock.

They are likely literate in Yiddish, Aramaic, and Hebrew ( all types, they are sufficiently closely related that if you know one you pretty much know the other. It is like picking up different dialects)


For their part, the parents are like, "Um, I pay like threeve fafillion megabucks (PLUS 'charitable donations') for you to sit around while my dumb kid plays Oregon Trail

Amazing how people on both sides of the spectrum want it to be the 1800s all over again, for completely different reasons.