
Not active service members. The four killed in Benghazi were former military who were employed by the Blackwater corporation. They were mercenaries who were being paid handsomely to take on a dangerous assignment. Our government was under no obligation to rescue them.

That’s the way most people think. It’s everyone else’s representative that is the problem. Their own congress critter is just fine.

I don’t know anything regarding the LeBatard family’s situation in Cuba during the Batista era. How well off they were relative to other people. But I always think of the brilliant scene in GODFATHER II as the US Mafia is carving up Cuba for themselves and how Batista was amenable to them. I got called out on another

Clarence Thomas.

Which makes the American Revolution a goddamn miracle.

And nothing was discovered that hadn’t been out there already. And there was also the suspicions that Trump had communications and funding from Russia. But did Comey put that out?

I didn’t see your post before I made a comment. Damn! But the French Revolution ended up eating its own and ended with the restoration of the monarchy. 

Well, nobody expects the French Revolution. (Apologies to Monty Python.)

I am sure of this. A lot of concern and breast beating over Libyans and Syrians but they didn’t give a damn about women and children in this country who are going to suffer a lot under regressive Republican policies. I guess mandatory trans-vaginal examinations are okay with them. And the Republicans have not only

I really like Joe Hill a lot. You can see where he gets some of his themes from his old man. Haven’t read Owen King yet, though.

The story was about Danny, not about Jack although his back story is crucial. It isn’t the story King wrote. But I think Shelly Duvall’s performance is one of the worst ever (only topped by Brad Pitt in TWELVE MONKEYS, but I digress) and I always blamed Kubrick for directing her that way. Knowing he manipulated her

And then we get Pence. And after him, Ryan. How do you think that’s going to work out?

Comey and the FBI put the fix in for Trump. But the NSA is terrified of what he may do (and say). Two major security branches of the US government completely at odds with each other (and not just the usual turf wars). This should be interesting.

The you don’t know your history. Populist movements in this country go nativist and get ugly very fast.


I don’t know why but this just tickled me. And so few moments of joy this past week so I thank you.

Hey, they can dig up Leni Riefenstahl and she can film the rallies.

Nice click bait headlines guys.

Ah, but did they think the same thing about Bill Clinton? Something tells me, eh, not so much.

Looks like Roger Sterling has joined the discussion.