
I’m 62 plus I’ve had a hysterectomy so it ain’t happening, but to cover all the important cultural events, my girl baby would be named “Simone Lin-Manuel.”


I have a friend who been in the business for a long time and to call him curmudgeonly would not begin to describe him. He told me that David Hyde Pierce was the nicest person he ever met.

Not holding my breath. NBC produced two series with potential for being truly great but then lost interest as soon as the pilot aired. RIP KINGS and AWAKE. (And the least they could do is give the go-ahead for AWAKE to get a DVD release.)

Half joking. I really don’t understand MoDo’s hate.

Nah, she’s just mad that Bill didn’t f*ck her.

Unless they erased it from ST history, I’m afraid that ENTERPRISE doesn’t exist for me. ;-(

I think Shyamalan has great casting people because casting Mel Gibson as a fallen away Protestant minister makes this movie so fascinating to me. Gibson’s worst outbreaks hadn’t occurred yet, but everyone knew he was a (supposedly) devout, ultra conservative Roman Catholic so he is just so intriguing to watch. It’s an

I’m down at the end so I doubt if anyone will see this but damn, I wish SyFy had given EUREKA another couple of seasons. Perfect summer show. It was charming and retained that without getting cloying and sticky.

You win the thread. The ultimate canceled before its time show.

Yes! Bought the DVD set when it came out.

Never watched it. Never will. It replaced ODYSSEY 5 for which I will never forgive Showtime.

I have loved John Glover ever since I saw in on stage in the mid-70’s.

As someone who was in front of a black-and-white portable TV on the September 1966 night when TOS premiered, I gave up on ENTERPRISE when they introduced the whole Xindi storyline. I realize the show runners had to walk a tightrope because this show was a prequel and I gave them some latitude, but introducing a major

I mentioned it in a reply to a thread about KINGS. Both were basically screwed by NBC who spent a ton of money in production and PR and then lost interest in both.

Between this and AWAKE, I know why NBC has dropped to number four as a network. Both shows had obviously a ton of money invested in production and were promoed a lot before their premieres, then the network just seemed to lose interest. (I just wish they would release AWAKE on DVD at least. I own KINGS and have the

THIS. Had the chance of being the greatest show ever.

I won’t watch any serialized programs anymore unless the show runner has both short term and long term bibles. Unless a network will give a firm two year commitment.

Still the single greatest pilot I have ever seen.

Whenever the Met produces a Ring, this is always for sale in the gift shop.