Sociopaths don’t have consciences; ergo they sleep just fine.
Sociopaths don’t have consciences; ergo they sleep just fine.
Although he’s much too classy for that, I would love to see Rep. John Lewis confront this guy about putting his life on the line for something he holds sacred; Rep. Lewis was almost killed on the Pettus Bridge during the Selma March. Your “martyr” wouldn’t have lasted two steps on that March.
I found Bernstein’s article quite credible, at least in giving another side to the story. And given the Times’ horrendous “reporting” on Hilary Clinton’s emails I’m not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Did you read the article? Bernstein and his wife went over the two major publications that carry the majority of ads for Korean and Chinese nail technicians for the time period that the Times author claimed.
Oops. Didn’t scroll down to see this before I posted a reply above. (Not that most people would see it as I’m still in the greys.)
The Royal Family also stayed at Buckingham Palace during the Nazi bombing raids. They were urged to relocate to the countryside but King George refused to do so. The Queen (Mother) and the princesses stayed by his side.
Thank G-d Gregory Peck is dead.
Excellent in HOLLYWOODLAND (George Reeves).
Pretty brilliant of Wagner since he died in 1883 and Hitler was born in 1889.
You can have a lab do a titre. I was born in the early ‘50’s and got all the usual childhood diseases (except for rubella) because there were no vaccines at the time. I have been a little concerned about my exposure to measles (because who knows if the children you come in casual contact with have been vaccinated…
Originally, it WAS supposed to be Betty as Blanche and Rue as Rose. But both had come off similar roles (Sue Ann Nivens on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, and Vivian on “Maude”, respectively.) So they asked to switch.
Baranski is at the opening night of the Metropolitan Opera every year.
You nailed it. The Mayor is telling his son to be respectful and polite if he's stopped by a police officer. Kind of makes you think that maybe the cops want an excuse to shoot black men (young and old). And I'm a liberal but with somewhat conservative leanings so I don't generally buy this type of speculation. But it…
If there's a god that I can believe in, then they will. And I hope they don't have a moment's peace for the rest of their lives.
THANK YOU. I was getting pissed at no love being shown for Rodney.
The one that depicts him with horns?
If this young woman is a Christian, what happened to her Savior's teaching, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Only a matter of time before there is a protest outside the Metropolitan Opera's current run of DIE ZAUBERFLOTE, calling for the excision of the aria, "O Isis und Osiris."
I am 61 and Jewish. John XXIII died when I was 6. I honestly did not expect to see another pope in my lifetime that would even come close to him. As you get older, life hands you a lot of disappointments (and if you're extremely lucky only that and very little tragedy) so Pope Francis is a surprise and a joy to me.…
More likely, as Texas is one of those states that is always trying to weaken regulations, the hospital executives let oversight go sloppy. If the state can let a high-risk fertilizer factory slide to the point where it explodes, this could easily happen.