
Sorry, Miss Ohio. Meet Miss America 1965

I should have scrolled down to see your reply before I posted mine. :-)

I'd feel a little more comfortable with this if the clothing were white, which would repel heat, instead of black which attracts it.

I want to star this but you have 69 recommendations. Which is so appropriate. So 👍

Sirius Black is what made me love him. Oldman just emanates love and warmth as that character. Which tells me just how great an actor he is.

As the saying goes, if I could star you a million times, I would.

Nothing like homophobes posting their thoughts posting an out Sam on a gay man's site.

Takes a hell of a lot to make Angelo Cataldi the second worst on-air sports personality in Philly.

Stephen Colbert does it better.

And on this most solemn of holy days for my people, I say to Sarah Palin, Fuck you. You appeal to the most divisive and hatefulness among us and that is exactly the opposite of Yom Kippur.

And apropos of nothing except for the fact that I am a huge Cagney fan, is that he spoke Yiddish, fluently. (See "Taxi" and "The Fighting 69th.") He sounds exactly like my grandfather.

So agree. While Alan Sepinwall also does outstanding MAD MEN recaps, Tom and Lorenzo up the ante by devoting a separate post to the show's styles that bring delve even deeper into what's going on in each episode.

If there was any doubt that it is politics that motivates the Roman Catholic Church then this should remove it. The waiving of the second attributable miracle for John XXIII indicates that the Vatican knew that if it canonized JPII and not John there would have been a huge ruckus, particularly after the priest/abuse

I'm Jewish and if you think JPII should be canonized because of his lifetime actions (and I don't because it was he who relied on Benedict XVI way too much) then John XXIII should have become a saint years ago. He initiated Vatican II and it was then that the whole damn the Jews for all eternity was eliminated from

Anyone know of this one?

Bullshit to all of you who bash Anthony Weiner. You want to see someone who really hurts women? Watch this past week's Meet the Press and see Jim DeMint explain how Texas mandating transvaginal probes is actually what women want. And how having the state lie and tell you that having an abortion can cause you to have

And why I should give a flying fuck about what Bryan Fisher says? Child abuse? That says a lot about Fisher and his fellow homophobes than anything else. Why would you want to dignify these assholes by giving them any attention at all?

Fair enough. But Bert & Ernie are in shadows, and it doesn't show their faces. It's pretty subtle; it's not throwing it in anyone's faces.