
THANK YOU for posting that!! I am so sick of people misusing “her”, “him” and “me”.

There is now an eighth wonder of the world.

I can’t get out of the greys here and its driving me mad.

I have never seen anyone so desperate to be like by absolutely EVERYONE and shit the bed at every turn.

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

As a frequent misspeller and auto correct victim with a lack of proofreading skills, I can let that slide.

It always reminds me of that bit at the beginning of The Social Network where Zuckerberg’s girlfriend is breaking up with him, and she says something like “You’re going to go through life thinking that girls don’t like you because you’re a nerd, and I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that it won’t be the

plenty of people’s parents die at a young age and they don’t go on to abuse children but thanks for coming out!!! 

must be nice to have a choice. must also be nice to think you can deny others the same.

Oh, I’d copied that exact same snippet. No doubt that he grabbed her ass. Men who “respect” women by treating us like dainty flowers who’ll wilt at the sound of the words “fucking bastard piece of shit” have no respect for us at all.

I’ve never understood that one. If a woman had a problem with me swearing, she would fucking tell me herself.

Well our vaginas do fall out when we hear swear words, so thank god for these “gentleman”

‘I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’

I love when sexual predators say “well I don’t know how to act around women now!”. You never did friend! That was the problem!

“I was always the gentleman. I would always say, ‘Hey, watch your language, there’s a lady here,’ and then I get accused of this.”

For heaven’s sakes, take my money NOW.

"They got a huge boost in popularity when Braaten managed to get none other than famous busty person Oprah Winfrey to try one. Oprah liked it and recommended it in her magazine"

I feel like the moderators should have been given internet bear mace.