and you can't talk about it before or after. No sexy talk!
and you can't talk about it before or after. No sexy talk!
kissing while fully clothed and a respectable distance apart. What's not fun about that?
exactly! I'm not vodka bottle size, more like a soda can, and without the awkward pocket on the outside.
I love how she looks back at the froggy chair like "Damn you froggy chair! What did you do to me!?!"
my sister he him! He smelled like vanilla.
ME TOO! I loved me some She-Ra
i was a smidgen too young for sex and the city. ive only seen one episode and in this one episode i learned about the pee hole. i decided that episode taught me all it ever could i and haven't seen an episode since.
i've learned to be happy with my mediocre talents in multiple things. i think if i were this good at anything id be insufferable. "hey that story about your day at work reminds me of this BATON TWIRLING thing" ::pulls out baton:: that's how every interaction with me would go.
thank you! the world is safer now. the crime rate has dropped and with constant access to phones should something go wrong help is easy to get.
perfect! he needs to find the nearest Micky D's and go crazy!
Fly away and eat the biggest, least balanced meal possible!
dick is my favorite horrible person.
the Birkenstock is a good idea in my humble book. not in high heal format but as is.
I completely second that
once, when I was maybe 14 I heard an interview with him on npr and he was horrible. He acted like he didn't want any of the liberal rubbing off on him and ruining his bad dude reputation. I haven't liked him since.
yes, but its beyonce and every thing she does is print worthy. apparently.