But how kind of the white girl author to tell us of their plight! If she didn’t, who would?!
But how kind of the white girl author to tell us of their plight! If she didn’t, who would?!
An improperly inspected or registered bike ridden by an improperly or unlicensed rider is sure as fuck a problem. Add into it that they’re riding in medians, crossing sidewalks and then running from cops and yeah, I have no problem with making it a priority to stop them. Now, make sure those bikes are safe and legal,…
What Caitlin Goldblatt has omitted from her narrative are three key points:
1) The “well-appointed” elementary school that was slated for closure, Langston Hughes, was hardly closed by the Baltimore City School Board - a mixed-race group chaired by a black man http://www.baltimorecityschools.org/Page/24788 - due to…
The line about the residency of Baltimore police should be changed, as the idea that residency is a solution to poor policing doesn’t seem supported by data.
These biker riders are a menace - plain and simple - danger to pedestrians with numerous reported injuries. Why is this being connected to Freddie Gray? This has nothing....nothing...to do with his tragic death.
Its not illegal. Its against normal department policy, but not illegal.
except a lot louder. god i hate motorcycles and would be happy to see them all banned
In my neighborhood (Central Harlem), it’s a show, and people will definitely stop to watch. The crowds in front of the public housing buildings love it. I’ve stood in the middle of an avenue to watch how long some guy can hold a wheelie. At a bus stop, when they come whizzing by, everyone usually talks about it for…
Looks like someone is midway through their Philosophy 101 course at their local community college! Congrats junior!
Or maybe do something else? I would love to be able to race high performance cars on a track, but I can’t afford to. That doesn’t make it OK for me to treat the street like the Nurburgring with wanton disregard for the safety of others.
Doing reckless stunts while riding an uninsured motorbike through residential streets, thereby endangering both peoples’ well-being and property. Yes, that should be illegal. Guess who pays for the medical bills if some dipshit doing a wheelie on his uninsured dirtbike runs over your kid in the street?
The ironic part is the protest narrative is 100% fabricated. They do this because it is fun, not because riding your way into a wheelchair somehow shows up the “man.”
The “nowhere else to ride” argument is so stupid. It sucks that it’s the case, but if you want a place to legally ride dirtbikes, leave the city. I live in East Harlem too, and these guys are a menace. I’ve seen them smash into cars and just leave - not like it matters, because they’re uninsured anyway. Most of the…
But didn’t you read the article? They are “protesting injustice”.
In DC, too. I’ve been driving when it happens, and it’s terrifying—not because of the people, but because of how they’re riding.
They do it here in DC too. Sometime over a hundred of them at a time, filling the street, ignoring all traffic laws, swerving onto crowded sidewalks. They are a menace.
We have the dirt bikers here in Harlem, too. They ride all over the neighborhood, and the stunts they do are very impressive. But they are very dangerous, and very loud. They always say that they ride in the streets because they have nowhere else to ride. I’d love to have a dirt bike park for them, but I seriously…
This has been going for years in Baltimore and Philly. Connecting it to Freddie Gray is stupid both for the subjects of the article and the author. Also, it is far from a benign activity. They most certainly do not use hand signals (at least in my experience). It’s usually a 14 year old helmetless kid doing a 50 mph…
I’m a fan of turning the other cheek especially when the person feels bad about something like that as soon as they say it. Everyone makes mistakes, he who is without sin can cast the first stone.
I had NO idea until today.