
Can you imagine the brutal, short lives all of those horses must have led? I can’t wait until humans stop using horses and other animals are slave labor :(

All the stars

This deserves like 100 more stars!

I agree 100 %. I only lived there for a year but I noticed that all the time.

Jia, thank you for this article. I really enjoyed it.

I’ve made several futile attempts at getting my dog to do that expression so I can take a photo of it.

I never get tired of seeing this!!! Haha

I don’t know if it’s just the hat, or what...but it appears Damon Wayans is having a bit of a failed eyebrow situation.

Vanessa Hudgens has the eyebrows of my dreams.

Your username just made my morning haha I love it!

The worst hangover I’ve ever had was Baijiu-related!!!

Meowrie!!!!!!! I’m laughing out loud, alone, on the street, while walking my dog.

I want to buy a printer, print this out, frame it, and hang it over my bed.

Julianne, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this article and that everything I’ve read by you on here (and elsewhere) is always just so good.....I'm a long-time Jezebel reader and I think your stuff is my favorite (among many favorites) of all. You're awesome!