
Falcons fans are greeting the good news with almost suspiciously loud applause.

At least that coverage will end!

I was slightly underwhelmed by the creepiness of it all, does that make me a weirdo?

I get that veganism is important to you, but don't you think it's pretty fucking weird to champion that cause on this article?

Not sure if you're a troll or batshit insane.

Seriously. I can't believe that white supremacist judge let him off so easy!

What does this have to do with being white? He is rich and famous. OJ got off because he was rich and famous. Adam Lanza? How does Adam Lanza have anything to do with this?

Excellent trolling is excellent.

I never understand why people get so upset about other people bothering with it. My fiance and I live together but are having a wedding because

Not much worry of it touching your skin? carol covered her face in it!

Luckily, as a feminist I doubt any cannibals would want to eat me at all, what with being so bitter.

You dated The Situation?

At least on mobile!

^How I originally read this headline. I wish that's what it was.

I'd be cool with an honest "Ah shit, we're a bunch of old out-of-touch Christians who just had no idea, we'll rescind the fine, apologize for the penalty, and make a small donation to whatever his charity is." Because I truly believe it was an honest (stupid) mistake. But since the NFL can never, ever, ever admit when

Yes. Exact same person.

Two questions. How is he not in pain and where did it go? Where did it GO?

tl;dr: you obviously work for yelp, or are feeling bummed because you have wasted your time writing hundreds of reviews. in other words, how do you know that this *isn't* going on? because yelp swears it isn't? please. (but you know, even if yelp is lying, it's not like, illegal or anything.)

I wonder if this pattern of violence is related to chronic head injuries, i.e. CTE.

I was real salty the other day and was responding back like that (times 1000). Example: