
FDT had a Groupon going. It actually didn't save you anything after the fees, but I used them anyway, and must say that the tulips and lilies I sent my mom opened this morning (They were shipped in bud form, as they should be) and are BEAUTIFUL. Thoroughly impressed with them.

I have a dal/pit bull mix, and he is a diabolical genius when it comes to getting food. Or squeakers. Or sheets. Attached picture was taken directly after he stole a childs hot dog. Edit. I can't seem to log into my photo server....

After diving further into the FDA website, that was a terrible source to give. Only 2 instances of leafy greens recalls were on there, but both were Organic. Hardly a satisfactory sample size. I'll keep a look out for a public source?? Now I feel like a twit for not being able to cite this.

I should have been far more specific, my apologies. By majority of recalls, I should have clarified that that is the number of recalls initiated. Not the tonnage of food recalled. By far, normal food is recalled more pound wise. However, Organic companies are typically experiencing more recalls than say, Green

....Pesticides are what kill nano virus and e coli. Organics are also the source of the majority of leafy greens recalls (As there are no pesticides.) Wash. I don't care if it's organic or not. Wash well. Wash with special cleansers intended to kill this stuff. Which will make it inorganic.

YES!! CHICKENS. DEATH BY CHICKENS. It was horrible. On the upside, smoke free since October 13th. So.

Amen, sista. I own guns. HOWEVER. These people are CRAZY. Not to mention who in the world truly needs a 30 round clip? If you need that many shots, what you really need is range time. You're doing it wrong.

Like we should take away the arts and sex ed? What you say is non essential others find to be life saving. Not to mention character building. Sports- When done properly- Teaches team work, how to make and achieve goals, comradery. You're saying "the culture it perpetuates"- I don't understand. There are a whole

"Professional Sports" implies the athletes get paid. In reality, sports like football generate money for the schools, not athletes. I'm thinking maybe we should just teach people not to rape instead of shutting down what can be a great experience and release for many young people (See high school sports). Or we

I, however, don't have your will power. When MrStilettosandgrits brought it home, I wanted to bathe in this swill. And then... Kind of like if you bought a Corvette, took it home, and found out it cornered like an F350.

I was so excited when I bought that one- Pink bottle. Bacon. Beer. And then I tasted it. Quite possibly the worst tasting thing to ever go in my mouth.

Indeedy. Wrote a letter to my congressman and mailed it on Saturday. Plan on keeping that up, but of course, you know. Georgia. But the squeaky wheel and such.

Truth. I don't know. It just doesn't feel right, ya know? Anywho. Thanks for working this out in my head with me. It's appreciated.

I see it. Yes, it needs to be talked about. SERIOUSLY needs to be talked about. I just don't feel like we should be discussing political platforms, calling each other horrible names, trying to out do everyone, soap box, etc. all while childrens blood isn't even dry. It makes me angry. Like. A moment. Give it a

Fuck you for "Romney-ing" a tragic event and using it as an excuse to jump on a soap box and unleash a political platform. Today is for grief. Tomorrow, reform.

Um. Mine weighed 22 lbs, took 9 days to make, and had 3 bear stuffed animals in the middle. All tiny devil teddy bears. I was in floral design, so. Yeah. Part of our FFA competition was "Mum Making". I shit you not. I so thought this was a national thing.

Little Bo Peep is a peach and an institution. If you ask nicely, she will even tell you about all of her c-sections. No hate on Clermont. Ever.

Porn. And Tequila. You can't go wrong. (MrStilettosandgrits agrees.)

Goodwill Gift card. Seriously. You can do SO MUCH with $50 from Goodwill. Fabric, wood, plastic- it's all there.

Wait. You live with him, he owns the house, you have a job... Why aren't you saving for a car? If this man doesn't have the stones to ask his mother about insurance, then you may want to get a car now, as this won't end well.