“I’d rather take a contested shot than an open shot any day .”
“I’d rather take a contested shot than an open shot any day .”
“I’d rather have contested sex than consensual sex any day...its kind of boring when the girl just wants it” - Jameis Winston
It’s even worse than that time they wrote that review of that movie I’m not interested in seeing!
So at first when I read this article, I was thinking, “Wow, you’d better not try this if you’re not white and get ‘randomly selected’ for searches on every flight. Plus, this is so needlessly risky, just get drugs there or enjoy your vacation without the damn drugs.” (I say this as someone who has brought drugs on…
i can’t believe jezebel published an article by (obviously) a rich white woman titled “Why People Who Don’t Do Drugs or Want to Fly With Them Should Start Doing Drugs And Flying With Them Right Away”
Not all skin folk is kinfolk
I guess my sarcasm was not visible enough.
I feel like Jez is trying to be all Vice-y and shit.
Or just don’t fucking travel with drugs.
Yes. Do not even eff with this if you’re traveling to certain countries. I know two people who just HAD to bring weed to Japan and Kenya. Neither had medical reasons, just had to have it because the incredible opportunity to study in another country wasn’t mind-blowing enough.
Jezebel - we have no standards.
You are an overprivileged idiot.
Who hurt you?
Wow, so much false outrage. Must get exhausting.
And you clearly fancy yourself part of that elite 1/3. What would you like engraved on the trophy you so deserve? Does “Fuckboy of the Year” work?
2/3rd’s of the commenters just said “who?”
If he chooses the game, then that just proves he is actually a moron and should stay with DOTA. Seriously, why would you even have to decide? Youth today is just... dumb.
Get your education, this game isn’t going to take care of you in 5 years; a college level job will.
“Mom, Dad, I’ve got a problem, do I finish my Biomed degree, or do I play video games instead?”
So either be selfish or actually do something meaningful.