
Does anyone else see a strategy for dealing with the Republican Party?

I'd think there'd be other signs I'd check for first.

There have been some epic dead whale fails.

There's a data set somewhere that indicates that carrying a child to term is much more physically stressful than abortion. When you add on the economic consequences of unwanted pregnancy to mother and child, you get the fucking misery trifeca.

Ladies, you have a problem? California is right next door - a friendly, reasonable place. Take your medical business completely out of those ungrateful bastards' hands. Let Arizona doctors make up for the loss of income by doing unnecessary prostate exams on Arizona Talibs.

How did I know they'd come up with this...Hey! Islamic fundamentalists have virginity tests...maybe we can do that!

Can I get one in grape?

It's a Scottish Fold, bred to be impossibly cute. Something is wrong when you lose your heart to a $2000.00 alley rabbit.

Then you can't play with it.

Creepy then; creepy now.


Five minutes and I will hate the distraction.

Frankly, I believe that doctors should be forced to do unnecessary prostate exams to every male patient who wants a prescription for Viagra.

Nah, we need guns.

These will be showing up on rappers any minute now.

It needs that pressure-sensitive stylus that Ten One is developing. Otherwise it's a toy.

Does it have its own power supply?

If condoms are birth control devices, we shuold be able to check out men's medical records too, and question those dangerous Viagra prescriptions. Viagra leads to sex, I read in Leviticus somewhere.

My mother has the condition and she's still going at 88. Someone's gonna have to drop an anvil on her if we want to inherit anything.

Never happened to me; otherwise I'd like it more.