
My husband was in Mission Control, keeping the comlink up. Thank God he wasn't actually listening in.

The soldier's identity is traceable by the circumstances - if one of his mates got blown up I suspect they'll tell the Army.

Can he throw a slider?

I think than men have been so conditioned to think of breasts as sex objects that it startles them to consider human milk dispensers in any other context. Worth trying at least once.

Yellowknife! There are maniac diamond miners up there - no sane person lives there.

If any woman in this nation doesn't have easy access to this spectrum of options, we cannot call ourselves civilized.

He's already survived two medical conditions that should have killed him. When he comes back, he may be Iron Man.

@Dogen: Maybe they're at dinner.

@AlfLup: We have the Sierra Nevadas - the Rockies are further east - but we can get loads of snow. Just ask the Donner Party.

You can make a superior cup of coffee with the completely-manual French press. Don't be fooled, people.

Very little snow in Los Angeles - we could tan pretty much as usual.

My husband, who was a programmer back in the punch-card era, used the Arpanet. He was reminded of it when he discovered that he already knew HTML.

@EllyVortex: For all I care it can stay hidden.

Let's get together and set up a New Underground Railroad for women in these Neanderthal states. It'll be just like before Roe v. Wade, yay!!

@justpointingout: Re. your earlier response to my earlier response: one could say that all life has a quality of the sacred, but we still sacrifice millions of animals daily. If you believe that human life is sacred, by all means carry your child to term, make whatever sacrifice you need to make, but in a society

@yaylo: Ask Sarah Palin.

@LuckyFrog: From your keyboard to God's ears.

Apparently, being saved means never having to say you're sorry.

@justpointingout: The inference is that women must be encouraged to suffer for their decision.

I'm disappointed to find that Britain is no more civilized than us.