
Every time I see that poor child my heart breaks. The slumped shoulders and thousand yard stare bespeak a soul who waits with diminishing hope for a luck dragon to appear and take him away from this nightmare.

“If you’re not going to kill me now, at least buy me a suit that fits” Barron Trump thinks to himself...

Fun fact: that scene plus the pool scene with Holly’s bear is what inspired my kinja name!

My daughter was the same age as Holly when this episode aired and she was at her dad’s house that night. I bawled like crazy watching Skyler run after Walt and collapse in the street. Fuck Walt forever for that tremendous dick move.

I honored Skyler White by naming one of our adopted kitties after her.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

Why would Russian spies live in a duplex for crying out loud?

Nah, this is the internet. If you’ve done anything bad since birth, nothing good you do until death counts.

I loled at the idea of multiple wig garages.

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

Bad news, everyone who thinks that opposing Trump automatically makes you a progressive Democrat: Jeff Flake is still a Republican.

I absolutely watch that movie every single Christmas season.

Even under your circumstances I am absolutely against school choice. It allows privileged parents an opportunity to utilize their considerable resources to avoid dealing with the ramifications of social inequality. (Unfortunately, SCOTUS has held that banning private schools and home schooling in general is

THANK YOU. Colin Firth forever and ever Amen. Then, I think of the old saw, “Every beautiful woman has a guy in the world who’s tired of fucking her.” I suppose marriage, even to Colin Firth, must essentially include struggles over leaving his wallet in the silverware drawer* even though it’s disgusting and the cat

My aunt passed him in the street (in Boston) when he was here filming The Verdict. Said hi to him, and he responded. Her exact words after she told us about it: “I can die now.”

OMG!!! THIS THIS THIS!! I will be more than happy to take him off his ungrateful wife’s hands.

My sister had a similar experience. She saw him in the early 90s on the street either in lower or midtown Manhattan. Any who - she sees celebrities all the time so she is mostly indifferent to celebrity sightings but when she saw Paul Newman, she could barely breathe. He was that handsome. I mean he was nearly 70 and

I don’t mean he seems like a bad guy with all sorts of skeletons in his closet or anything. Just like someone who would pout all through dinner and find everyone around him “vapid.”

I’m convinced Putin is behind this whole thing as a gambit to try and save his puppet from being removed from office.

A friend of mine rounded a corner in NYC back in the 80s and crashed right into him - smashing her ice cream cone between them and against his shirt. She said he looked at her with amusement, like “Well, this is a novel way for a fan to get close.” He politely declined her offer to clean his shirt with her napkin, and