
I hope they whole-ass it.

Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.

Dude your former roommate AJ is on the Shitty Media Men list. Your Pot Therapy co-host called what Roman Polanski did “banging a thirteen year old” right here on Jezebel. Maybe people should be badgering YOU on #MeToo.

But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.

Is anyone going to ask men about #metoo or is it only potential female rape victims who get interrogated endlessly as to whether they’ve been raped? Maybe she feels she can’t afford to be truthful. What an ungrateful dumb bitch.

All of my aunts were super into it. I flipped through a few pages (the sex parts) and JUST. DIDN’T. GET IT.

That’s how the Joanna Explains segment came to be, actually! She explained Mother! to the office and everyone thought it was so endearing that they had her do these explainers for the oscar noms.

I like Diane Keaton, but I am not about a gaggle of old rich white ladies sitting around supporting the success of a dangerous novel that romanticizes abusive relationships.

Yeah, it’s really..... just, no. Hard pass.

Yeah. And the bronze for Ryan Gosling because that laugh says he’s known it’s all bullshit for a while now.

right? and landry/lance/jesse plemmons is in there, and winston from new girl ruined me with the non-spoilery line, “glass tables are acting weird today.”

Something I said to a Trump supporter (who was of course, a white guy) when he said “well, I don’t think Trump is going to make good on the horrible things he said about (insert here: women, immigrants, latinos, African Americans, LGBT people, etc),” is “well you were certainly okay with that risk by putting people

I was watching the Queer Eye reboot (which btw is awesome), and there is one episode that is touted as the big BLM race-police relations episode, where the fab five makeover a doofus cop Trump supporter (with MAGA stuff all over his house) has a tearful conversation about police brutality with Karamo, African American

I have relatives who voted for Trump. Some are idiots. Some are assholes. Some are both.

I remember seeing a quote last year somewhere that said: 

almost alarmingly, yes! i feel sort of insane. i should add, because it’s controversial one, i also thought bad moms was funny AF. i was raised on mel brooks, so i feel like these are in the same wheelhouse.

Fuck PETA. They aren’t about what they want you to think they’re about.

It’s a good thing liberalism isn’t some bullshit Bernie litmus test where we spend every waking second attacking those seeking to be part of the solution, rather than those actively being part of the problem, amirite? Our parents and those in their generation are learning late in life how best to understand what is

They are a testament to what public schools can produce if students have support at home and in well-funded schools.