
As a recovered alcoholic, all I can say is her stories, excuses and antics have been...familiar to me for a while now.

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I’m going to use this place to talk about the new diet coke ad.

A woman in my office loves this show and I swear to God this morning she told me she was throwing out her old Crockpot because of the danger. I told her I heard that wasn’t really something likely to happen and she was relieved.

There is next to no chance that happens, they more than likely had her sign something before he was even elected....He likes his little NDAs

Revenge of the Makeup Artists.

Yeah I love the show SATC and when you rewatch it Kim Catrell’s Sam is the best character, with the best lines, even if she is campy and over the top.

You’re getting one.

There shall be no besmirching Andy Cohen!!!!! But otherwise, I agree entirely.

one of the better things about Another Period (which I posted about upthread) is that it spends a lot of time focusing on just how shitty the lives of the servants were when compared to the opulence and splendor of the homeowners.

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it already exists! it’s called Another Period! and it’s perfect!!!!

Service animals have every right to be in the passenger area of a plane. A blind person can’t just have a drink or take a pill like any normal sane person. A soldier with ptsd that has an emotional support animal, yeah...exception.

I want a Bruno Mars.

As a middle aged white lady: Fuck the evil stepmother and her evil stepdaughters. They are all complicit pieces of money grubbing, bigoted, “I’ve got mine, Fuck you”, trash people. The ‘Free Melania’ shit is ridiculous and it made me livid last year when I saw those signs at the Women’s March. Bitch can free her own

Jezebelles, please don’t respond to the trolls.

Those were really were old scenes, but Reggie was not actually in any of them, and the jokes being terrible was a large part of what made them hilarious, I thought. (Also the fact that Reggie apparently shot Eddie Van Blundt, aka Darin Morgan.)

Well that’s really all she’s good at, so no real surprise that she would fall back on that once the fake nice thing played out...the idiots @ NBC paid her $18 million just to say they hired her, not realizing or caring that most of their audience would rather eat Tide pods than watch her do anything other than perhaps

God bless. Paul f*cking Newman didn’t try to throw his name and weight around, but a few years ago one of my boyfriend’s best friends was a mid-level exec at a major studio and EVERY SINGLE PLACE WE WENT, his gf would get all huffy at the hostess and pull the “do you know who this is??”. JFC it was embarrassing. I

I’m crying (not literally) because I can’t find a video I saw a couple days ago. It was her brief “feel good”, “things are gonna be different” Today promo followed by about 2 minutes of her most caustic shit from Fox. If you run across it it’s worth a watch.

Um, what about getting your kids to use better form when they’re about to sprint? Their rear legs are way too far back, their butts are too low, and what are they even looking at? Poor form!

Melania’s disdain for her husband and the endless shitshow he stirs up is obvious and her expression always looks annoyed. Of course if, as I believe, she is a Russian spy and part of Putin’s long con of Trump, it’s no wonder she can’t keep the look of disgust off of her face.