You can ignore Trump’s tweets and porn star issues, you can’t ignore his policies. Which Jeff Flake supports.
You can ignore Trump’s tweets and porn star issues, you can’t ignore his policies. Which Jeff Flake supports.
It amazes me the way networks other than Fox continue to treat Trump like he’s a normal person, and are absolutely shocked when he behaves like the racist idiot that he is.
Betsy DeVos’ stupidity aside, I’m very interested in the sorcery taking place that makes her and Leslie Stahl look like a couple 35 year olds.
I lived thru the busing era in the 70s, it is not the answer. Those kids did not want to sit on a bus for 45 minutes every morning and afternoon, to be forced to go to schools with kids they didn’t know. They couldn’t participate in after school programs, sports etc because their parents couldn’t get to the school in…
I will watch The Holiday whenever it’s on. The Jack Black character gets on my nerves a little, but it’s the one Nancy Meyers movie I can stomach.
I’ve been saying this all along. That Putin was even behind Kim Jong Un starting the missile tests, etc. just to give Trump an enemy and a distraction when stuff started going down re the investigation.
I understand, to a point, falling out of love with someone, having an affair.
That’s about when I saw him. His eyes are unbelievable. And he does have this “light” or aura about him.
Oh I didn’t think it was criminal. I hope he isn’t like that. He does play misunderstood men quite a bit, tho.
I saw him inperson at the first day of Indpls 500 qualifications back in probably mid 90s. he was less than 50 feet from me.
Who the fuck cheats on Colin Firth??!!!
I look at this more as a news/discussion of current events/topics than reality tv.
OMG we were just laughing about that at work the other day.
He’s part owner of a couple upscale restaurants here in Indianapolis. I think he’d rather be working with a team as an owner or GM.
He probably has a contract with them. I’ll guess as soon as it expires, he’ll be gone.
I adore Liev Schrieber.
I take it after Bey’s hissy fit, Tiffany Haddish wasn’t invited.
Everyone seems a little too concerned about Jennifer Lawrence’s choice of films.
What’s wrong with her nose? I didn’t even realize she’d had it worked on. It looks completely natural.