Because she doesn’t.
Because she doesn’t.
Do we need Oprah to step in and tell Bey to ctfd?
I prefer bathing suit area, myself.
To me even the sex parts were so poorly written they weren’t that sexy.
OMG I can’t imagine having to do that. God love her.
I loved Scruples. And the tv movie. The book was way hotter than the ABC TV Movie, but still.
I should go back and rewatch Manhunter and see if serial killers do that in general. I think some of the people portrayed in that were glad to talk about their crimes.
My sister is going to be all over this. I know women who read 50 Shades and were losing their fucking minds. I couldn’t get thru two pages of it off the Amazon “look inside” thing.
I love Gosling’s face in that picture. I really wish I could watch LaLa Land but I just can’t get into it. The opening drove me crazy. I like both stars and love musicals so it’s not that.
I’ve seen the murder scene photos. No one wants to see that re enacted.
I just watched the trailer for that OJ Simpson thing. What the fucking fuck. “Because I have information no one else does”. Yeah like how you did it.
Jon Stewart was even trying to apologize for people he knew who voted for Trump. I may know people, I think they know better than to tell me if they did, but I will never make excuses for them voting for him. “oh he’s a good person, he just wanted a change”. Really, then move. By a new car. That’s change. This is…
I haven’t seen Bad Moms, but I think it’s been on Showtime recently, I’ll check it out.
We can’t make Joanna go thru that.
Is it as funny as Bridesmaids or Spy?
That wasn’t in the article I read, and I found a quote from Aronofsky he said he would never say what it was he’d take that secret to his grave.
I just read an explanation of it.
I think the more crazy shit that came out about it, the more it scared people off. And then when the ending was spoiled, that was it.
Barbra’s gonna Barbra, but why not just go adopt two more Maltese or whatever those dogs were?
My sister texted me that she & her husband saw it and OMG it is so good and so beautiful and he is so hot, yada yada. I thought “okay but I don’t trust your taste in anything”.