
I work with a woman who is completely bat shit crazy. She is the wife of the owner of the company. I used to be terrified of her, she is so illogical and gets all worked up about nothing. You just never knew when it would be your turn to be the subject of her wrath. I finally decided to start using "calm assertive

Yeah, no I meant Tom should do SNL and do that skit.

How do I reconcile the fact that Loki is so adorable, and yet he STABBED AGENT COULSON!!!!

This sounds like an awesome SNL skit!

I can give off this vibe of, "think long and hard about starting this, because I'm pretty sure it won't end the way you hope it does."

Yeah the current one with the little girl and her grapes/raisin stuff is pretty much phoning it in.

Cut out the middle man and just buy some chocolate flavored vodka!!

Medicare & Medicaid.

Chris Christie will soon fall into the Rudy Guiliani trap. An asshole can occasionally do the right thing.

I don't understand why anyone pays any attention to this racist old hag.

Way to go Ladies of Texas!!!

I hear ya, sometimes the comedians have a great idea but they're not the best at vocalizing it.

Louis CK pretty much summed it up - men are the greatest threat to women.

The only person feeling empowered in this scenario is the photographer. He just figured out how to get a bunch of women to take their clothes off and pay him.

I'm crying while typing this. Thanks Internet!!

Jareth Cutestory?

I know! I was just noticing how cute she looks with that lipstick and nail polish while killing herself for our enjoyment.

Maybe they can get Nancy Brinker and Susan Handel to join Blackburn in forming Satan's Trifecta of Bitches.

If she posted all this stuff on the internet, I'm sure it didn't take Jezebel researchers more than about 10 minutes to find it. It's on the internet, it's fair game.