
If you liked that interview, listen to his interview on Alec Baldwin's podcast "Here's the Thing". It is amazing. Billy & Alec singing New York State of Mind is beyond awesome.

OMG for a minute I thought that was Jerry Seinfeld, standing with his back to Scott Disick.

Me too!!! I've had a huge crush on him for years.

Look this guy is batshit crazy. I really think he set up Greenwald with this bullshit story, and Greenwald fell for it. Of course the press is going crazy about it, all they have to do is repeat crap another news outlet is saying, and add a little of their outrage, and it just gets bigger and bigger.

Jack booted thugs are going to knock on your door and demand that you lay off the Doritos and Ding Dongs! Also, you're watching too much Dr Who!!

Melissa should have refused to be photographed like that. I can't believe either one of them went along with it.

Amanda Bynes has really given me a great idea.

I just disabled my OKC account. After two weeks I was convinced I'm an asshole magnet.

Get out the Bat Signal and get Louis CK on this. He will shut those cocksucking fuckheads down.

Me too! There are days when I just can't make the effort to be a glamourista, and now I'll remind myself, the HBIC/BAMF next POTUS can wear a scrunchie and no make up and still kick ass and take names, you can too!!!

Seacrest has formed a 501C4 tax exempt cult - Idiots for Kardashians.

I assume Seacrest is executive producer.

It would take more than drugging all the yogurt. More like drugging the water supply.

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

It probably airs in Europe.

Are you high??!

What about that poor little dog in Moonrise Kingdom? One of those shitty little boys should have gotten that arrow thru the neck!!!

Or is this the new Scientology School Uniform?

We can talk til we're blue in the face (as my dear old dad used to say) and most people won't change til they get sick, and then they'll pray it's not to late to reverse the damage. A doctor told me after that one stone that I'd probably have them the rest of my life. It was September 2000, and I've never had

I haven't had a diet soda since 2000, and the only thing I get at a fast food restaurant is the occasional salad, and I am much the better for it. For me, it was a kidney stone and boy did I rethink a lot of the crap I was eating and drinking. Not much into a pain similar to someone stabbing you in the back with a