
This is why I jog, and do Pilates at home. No assholes, no membership fees, no waiting to use equipment.

You seem shocked that there is "bullshit unprofessionalism" in sports broadcasting.

Flying saucers have invaded our planet!! Washington, London, Paris, Moscow fight back! Rest of cities say fuck it...

No problem! She bugs me but I do like her as Pepper. I hope IM 3 is better than 2, that was a disappointment.

I was trying to be ironic with my "no one would see this movie if it wasn't for People Magazine" comment. We all know it's going to make a jazillion dollars this weekend. I have seen the first two and plan to see the new one. I enjoy a lot of the comic book movies myself. Sorry for my lame attempt at humor, it

Oooh, now we're talkin'.

I remember him talking about going to Walter Reed when he was on Hardball and Ed Schultz, and how touched he was with the crowd that came to see the movie. Sorry about your husband, please give him my best. You guys have the respect and love of a very grateful nation, I know sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but

I'm still holding out for him and JLaw. I know people think she's too young for him, but when he's around her his face lights up and he can't take his eyes off her. They just really seem to be into each other. Maybe it was all part of the Weinstein PR machine to sell SLP.

Well if we had any doubts that Gwynnie is cra-cra, this pretty much confirms it.

I thought it was going to be Jennifer Lawrence, but when they said Gwyneth, I figured it was the Iron Man 3 publicity machine working in overdrive. Because really, if it wasn't for this magazine cover, no one would go see that movie. She's the only reason anyone sees the Iron Man movies.

He is SO awesome. That movie he's in with Jessica Chastain, Take Shelter, by the end of it I thought I was losing MY mind.

I don't care what she wears if she would just stop making those Weight Watcher commercials. ENUFF!!

You might contact rescue groups in your area. I don't see why your schedule wouldn't work, Teddy my Pomeranian goes from about 8-8:30 til 5:30 or even a little later, and he's fine. He's paper trained as well as trained to go outdoors, so I am very lucky to have the best of both worlds. If he can't wait til I get

I am going to start buying Powerball tickets every week so I can help make the Doggie Island thing happen. Whatever money we don't need for Doggie Island will be used to hunt down the people that run puppy mills, and give them a taste of their own medicine.

You didn't really expect this idiot to be truthful, did you?

I don't go into stores or anything after I run in just a sports bra, but if it's hot and humid out, I sure as hell take off my teeshirt and run in my sports bra and shorts.

I lost part of my foot, it broke off in a butt and I've regretted it ever since, but I don't regret wearing crystals!

I have never seen a Tyler Perry movie, other than a minute here or there while flipping channels. Also, not being African American, or Southern Baptist, I'm not exactly his demographic. That being said, I was laughing my ass off reading this review because I really thought Lindy was making some of this up. Could

Best Bunk Quote: Ya happy now, bitch?
