
Is it me, or did she seem to like Earth Wind & Fire more than Backstreet Boys? She's got rhythm, and good taste!

I have to agree. Not being afraid to call a spade a spade is one of the first steps of empowerment. I mean, come on, we can't dare hurt Kimmy's feelings because she made a poor choice to appear in a movie. No one is calling Kim a slut, or stupid, or a bad person, she's just not a good actor. Plus Kim is laughing

It's okay. You're not so much of a mess that you aren't big enough to apologize. That takes courage, even to a bunch of strangers on the intertubes.

I hope your mother is still alive so she can smack you upside the head and knock some sense into you. And if she isn't, I hope she haunts you tonight and tells you to stop being a horse's ass.

Debra Messing says there's "no tension" on the set of Smash. There's also no talent on the set of Smash, from what I've seen of it.

If some woman, (not Hathaway) wore pants so tight that camel toe is the nice way of describing the outline of her vajayjay, everybody would be commenting on her, at the least, lack of fashion sense, and if she kept doing it, we'd all start wondering why she keeps going out in public in pants like that. These sites

THANK YOU!!!!! Hell I have an 8 lb Pomeranian and he is NEVER off his leash if he's outside. Not even to go outside my bldg and pee and come right back. Anything little that moves, he's ready to pounce, this includes chipmunks, birds, leaves blowing across parking lot, etc. Also, not remotely afraid of dogs ten

THANK YOU!!! That made my day!!

I understand that people feel "two wrongs don't make a right". But I also believe with all my heart that if that law stated that a person who is hurting/torturing small animals is made to endure whatever he did to said animal, a lot of this shit would stop.

Sing it!! Nobody made a peep about running the Iraq War off the books for 5 years, never once showing all that expense in the deficit or budgets. Or the $2 Trillion of debt that is now part of the deficit, and that doesn't include the interest on that money. Run up a bill and then hand it to the next guy and blame

Seals throw shade better than anyone. And they do not tolerate the fools. We went to Christmas at the Zoo once years ago, where the zoo is open at night and a bunch of high school kids were running around, yelling and just being kids, but the seals were super pissed that there was all this ruckus when the zoo is

You are there so you can educate everyone on the benefits of having Elizabeth Colbert Busch working in Congress on behalf of the great citizens of South Carolina.

Tell me something I don't know. :) If it bugs me enough, I'll go feed the cat first, that really cools his jets. Then I get the "what alternate universe is this that the cat comes first" look.

I get the snort when I'm not doing something fast enough to suit him. Getting ready to go out, fixing his dinner, whatever it is, if it's not good enough, I get the snort. All three of the dogs I've owned have done it.

My dog gets disgusted when he's sitting in front of the cable box and the remote won't work and I make him move. He actually growled at me, picked up his toy and walked across the room. It was hilarious.