
Does it take longer to be nice?

Why did Oleg choose that moment to burn the tape and map? I assume it was that he realized the CIA was off his back or that the KGB might eventually search his room after he intentionally somehow botches the grocery guy mission? Both ? I think he saw that poor grocery guy in such pain knowing he could lose his family

I don't think so. He was so distraught about having to lie to Philip. He wanted to tell him the truth

I think by Center he meant Claudia. If she becomes the new Gabriel then Philip is in trouble

Could we get a show Better Call Gabriel ?

I feel reassured!

Just finally rewatched. Have to say until now I completely rejected the idea that KGB is grooming Henry. But it was the math teacher, when he said "I don't know what lit a fire all of a sudden under him." Plus his mysterious being too busy for Stan, being on the phone a lot, being at heretofore unknown friends'

Maybe he just like Nina. Not everyone is that shallow, to pick a lover by hair color.

It's good of you to share.

What if Gabriel went sorta rogue and will actually match them up somehow, in a safe house, then take Misha Jr. home? I'd be happy enough with that. I think.

Yes nobody talks about his glasses as much as all the wigs. just awful!

Does anyone else think that maybe Philip's "it's us!" might refer to "us" as the Soviets? That's my latest theory. He's upset about what happened, about mistakes, about William maybe getting his face on a stamp, about what Mozorov or Morozov said about the failure of their own food programs. Maybe he thinks the

Evidence ?


And Alexei told Philip about the antiquated and broken distribution system which causes grain to rot before it reaches its destination.

Maybe they want to see if Stan can be turned or used like Martha was. P and E can't do that job.

There was the Lotus Eaters episode in the Odyssey.

In your opinion. Re Philip /Matthew. I have a different opinion.

Agree with both above posts. Except for the killing. I don't see that unless he goes straight to Stan first to spill some beans.
Ordering them home is a great plot idea to see what they do.

How did Mischa know to go to D.C.? He had said all he knew was that his father was a travel agent in America.